。seventeen 。

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-"Okay, I'm going to hurry this up

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"Okay, I'm going to hurry this up."

People screamed and yelled as they walked out of the museum, Loki walking calmly behind the fearful crowd. His suit was overtaken by a gold light and it was quickly replaced with his armour, his stick changing into a gold sceptre with a blue glowing stone in the top of it.

Sirens wailed, a police car approaching as Loki crossed the road but the god shot a streak of blue energy from the sceptre, making the car lift off its back wheels, skidding on the front ones before flipping over on the road. The crowd yelled and screamed in panic again as illusions of Loki started to appear all around them, blocking them in.

"Kneel before me." Loki ordered, trapping the people in. When they didn't, he spoke again, "I said," he slammed the end of the sceptre onto the ground and blue light trapped them inside the illusions, "kneel!"

Slowly, the crowd did as ordered, Loki holding his arms out and smirking broadly as he gave a small chuckle.

"Is not this simpler?" Loki started, walking through the crowd. "Is this not your natural state? It's the unspoken truth of humanity, that you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life's joy, in a mad scramble for power, for identity. You were made to be ruled. In the end, you will always kneel."

"Not to men like you." An old man said confidently, standing from his position on the floor.

"There are no men like me." Loki retorted.

"There are always men like me." The man stated firmly.

"Look to your elder, people." Loki began. "Let him be an example."

He went to shoot energy at the man who's eyes widened but Steve jumped down, holding his shield out to protect them both, the blue light shooting back at Loki, who groaned and fell on his face.

"You know, the last time I was in Germany," Steve started, walking towards Loki, "and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing."

"The soldier." Loki sighed, standing back up. "The man out of time."

"I'm not the one who's out of time." Steve shot back.

"Okay, the talking is very boring. Can we get on with it now?" Alina asked, landing beside Steve.

"Ah, the weapon." Loki smirked.

"Ah, a prick. What's new?" Alina retorted.

"Loki, drop the weapon and stand down." Natasha ordered from the speaker of the jet, a gun pointing towards the god from the underside of the jet.

Instead of listening, Loki shot energy at the jet, which Natasha swerved away from, Steve throwing his shield at Loki, hitting him in the chest and making him grunt, the crowd running away. Alina stormed forwards to Loki, landing a punch to his face and a kick to his chest making him stumble back a step or two.

When the god went to hit her with the sceptre, Steve moved in front of her, using the shield to stop it from hitting them both. Loki then tripped Steve up using the spear, kicking him away and Steve rolled back onto his knees. Alina caught part of the sceptre when he went to hit her, tugging it forwards, which moved Loki with it who was reluctant to let it go.

Angling the sceptre downwards, she hit Loki in the chest with the bottom of it sharply, moving the stone away from her head when he tried to shoot the energy at her. His ankle swooped around hers, tripping her over and she rolled out of the way before he could blast her with the spear.

Steve threw his shield at Loki who batted it away with the sceptre, Steve continuing to dodge his hits until Loki managed to push him over by shoving the sceptre into his back. He pressed the bottom of the spear to Steve's helmet.

"Kneel." Loki glared.

"Not today." Steve smirked, rolling from under the sceptre as Alina jumped over him, roundhouse kicking Loki in the face, the god grunting.

When Steve tried to punch Loki again, he was just thrown onto the pavement like before. Jumping on Loki's back, Alina grabbed the horns of his helmet and tugged it off his head, clearly angering him.

When he went to twist his body to attack her, Alina flipped off of his back, landing on her feet, helmet in hand. As he tried to near her, she whacked him around the face with it the helmet, holding it in front of her torso when he tried to shoot energy at her and she skidded backwards on her boots.

Shoot To Thrill by AC/DC started to blast over the jet speakers and Tony Stark flew down in his Iron Man suit, blasting Loki in the chest and his back smacked into the pavement, Tony landing on the floor on one knee, one hand on the floor before standing.

"This helmet is shit." Alina commented, whacking Loki around the back of the head again, dropping it at his side. "You look like a reindeer." She moved to stand next to Tony.

"Make your move, Reindeer Games." Tony said, holding out his arms with blasters and small missiles, Steve moving to stand the other side of Alina and Loki's armour vanished, leaving him in his suit. The missiles went back into a Tony's suit. "Good move."

"Mr. Stark." Steve breathed.

"Captain." Tony responded. "Widow."

"Okay, I'm going to hurry this up." Th Russian muttered, pulling Loki up by the collar of his suit as the god scowled at her while she put handcuffs on him. "Oh, don't be so sad, Rudolph. Wash you hair for once and maybe you'll feel better."


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