。seventy nine 。

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-"You're using a lot of words to describe it, right now

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"You're using a lot of words to describe it, right now."

Alina slumped down on the side edge of the bed in the room she walked into, leaning her elbows on her thighs. A shaky sigh left her lips and she assumed herself stupid for pitying herself after that tragic excuse of a 'family' reunion. She understood that Natasha didn't like her past and tried to push it out of the way and forget, but she never thought she would actually try and force away her and Yelena from being family.

The door opened and she prepared to snap at someone but her glare softened when she saw Wade standing there, closing the door behind him with the bottom of his mask turned up still from drinking and eating. He sat down next to her, not exactly sure of what to do. He'd seen Alina angry, somewhat upset when she saw a documentary about a penguin that died, but he'd never seen such a high amount of the two emotions slammed together.

"You want vodka?" Wade offered and she scoffed a small laugh.

"No." Alina answered and moved closer to him, pressing her cheek to his shoulder as he linked their pinkies.

"That was an...interesting family reunion." Wade hummed.

"'Interesting'?" Alina repeated in a questioning tone.

"Yeah. Like the way when you're driving and you see a car crash. Or some weird torture method they used in the Egyptian era." Wade mused. "Or even your sister eating my favourite Spider-Ling. Still offended, by the way."

"She did wha-"

"There just aren't words to describe it apart from interesting." Wade cut her off with a sigh and a hum as she stared at him in horror.

"You're using a lot of words to describe it, right now." Alina stated.

"I'm like a human dictionary." Wade replied making her snort in amusement.

"Dusty? Old?" Alina joked and he gasped in offence.

"Useful, intelligent." Wade corrected. "Stop laughing!"

Alina chuckled again before it quietened down when she heard Alexei speaking to Yelena, trying to get her to forgive him. She wanted him to speak to her, to desperately want her to forgive him for all the pain he caused her, for handing her over without a care in the world to Dreykov. Alina wanted him to mean his apology just so she could tell him she would never accept it.

"I won't give you a penny 'cause I never bring my wallet, by what you thinking?" Wade asked when her eyebrows furrowed in thought.

"I just feel a bit stupid." Alina mumbled and he muttered for her to go on. "I said I never get my hopes up to high but I thought maybe he'd be sorry. Even if it was the tiniest fucking milligram, he would still be just a bit sorry for what he did. But I guess he is... just not towards me."

"I can hear The Neighbourhood playing very distantly. Anyway, that doesn't matter. And it doesn't make you stupid, but you shouldn't think about him giving you an apology because his skull is as thick as you and me combined." Wade mused making her laugh again.

"I don't know what else I should've expected from him, if I'm honest." Alina shrugged.

"The disturbing smell was predictable." Wade nodded.

There was a pause as Alina kissed his cheek lovingly, "I love you."

"Love you, too, dungarees." Wade grinned.

She smiled back and there was a sudden flash of light outside. The sound of a plane followed after and they both stood up, seeing multiple agents aiming guns at Melina's house. The couple immediately knew Melina had given up their location.

As they turned to leave the room, the glass of the window broke and they winced as something hit their back. Wade's body suddenly crumpled to the floor and Alina looked down to see a red ended dart sticking out of his back. More were shot in her back quickly and she passed out beside Wade, soon dragged off onto the jet to go back to where she was raised.

The Red Room.


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