。thirty five 。

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-"You sadistic fuck!"-

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"You sadistic fuck!"

The tank beeped rapidly, Wade still choking for air inside of the cylinder. The beeping only seemed to get faster as his legs and body began to shake under the thought leather bindings. The skin of his ankles and feet began to break u til they scarred over.

Wade tried to shift his body as if he could possibly get out of the tank. Crimson started to bleed into the material of his white top, sweat beading on his arm as the hair fell from his skin, his arms also becoming scarred over completely. Clenching his fists, Wade gasped more as he felt the change on his body.

Looking down at himself, horrified and scared, he watched the blood seep into his top, the scarring travelling up his body. It got to his face next, his stubble disappearing as the full-body scar went around his head and his face, his hair falling off completely. Wade screamed loudly, his head slamming into the table.

He was regretting his decision.


Francis flicked the light switch on, him and Angel walking into the room and watching as Wade breathed heavily, his chest held back by the leather straps. He pressed a button and the tank door slid open, Wade gasping frantically as air was finally given to him.

"Fuckin' 'ell." Francis said, eyeing Wade's new appearance with disgust. "Looks like someone last his shot at Homecoming King."

"What have you done to me?" Wade asked, fuming as he glared at the man.

"I've merely raised your stress levels high enough to trigger a mutation." Francis told him, proud and amused.

"You sadistic fuck!" Wade yelled.

"I've cured you, Wade." Francis stated. "Now your mutated cells can heal anything. It's attacking your cancer as fast as it can form." Wade exhaled and inhaled shakily. "Yeah, I've seen a similar side-effects before. I could cure them... but where's the fun in that? Now, I'm gonna shut you in again, Wade. Now because I need to."

Francis leaned his face close to Wade's, "Because I want to."

Wade breathed heavily, his eyes glossed before his breathing slowed down a little in shock of the situation. He turned his eyes away from Francis, looking at the ceiling.

"Oh, well." Francis muttered when he said nothing. "Go ahead."

Angel leaned down to test the straps, "Oh, you smell like shit."

Wade jolted his head, slamming it into Angel's, sneakily taking the match stick from between her lips in the process.

"Motherfucker." Angel mumbled, angry as she went to attack him but Francis held her back.

"Hey, hey, hey. It's alright, it's alright. I think we owe him that one, yeah? You take off. Go on. Off you go." Francis urged and she followed his order. Francis leaned back over Wade again. "Quick question. What's my name?"

Wade did nothing but glare at him with a clenched jaw.

"Didn't think so." Francis mumbled, sliding the door closed again.

Sorry, Francis. My lips are sealed.

With the oxygen low again, Wade groaned, struggling for breath. Grunting, he pushed the match out of his mouth, holding it between his lips as he opened his hand. He spat the match into his awaiting hand, catching it with ease as he looked down, concentrating.

Wade adjusted the match in his hand and started to flick the red end with his thumb until it caught fire. He threw it by the oxygen vent and it seeped into the tube of oxygen before exploding the room he was in. The tank was launched through the glass and into the main area of the workshop.

Fire spread around the floor and a man started to scream, Francis coming down from his area, looking around before grabbing a fire extinguisher. A man coughed loudly at the smoke as he started to put out the fire around him. Francis then caught sight of Wade's smashed open tank, him not in there.

Wade grunted, coming out from behind some smoke and he slammed a metal canister into Francis' face, knocking him to the floor. Francis got back up and swung the fire extinguisher at Wade who ducked to dodge it, punching him in the face.

When Wade went to hit Francis with the oxygen canister again, Francis swept his feet from under him with the fire extinguisher and Wade fell to the floor, rolling out of the way when Francis went to slam the metal down on him.

Standing, Wade hit Francis in the face with his canister but then the man hit him back with his, knocking him bent over a table. Wade span quickly, smashing Francis around the head with the canister and Francis was knocked away from him but still got up.

Wade ripped off his hospital gown that had caught on fire, throwing it away as he glared at Francis. He threw the canister at him, tackling Francis into a wooden beam and the back of it smashed, bending. Pulling back, Wade started to repeatedly punch him around the face.

Francis dodged it, pulling Wade into the beam by the back of his neck, "You don't wanna kill me. I'm the only one who can fix your ugly mug."

Francis pushed Wade away and the mercenary rolled over, getting back up. He went to attack Francis but Francis then moved behind him, falling back and dropping Wade on his head by the ping him behind him. Francis laughed as the both stood up.

Wade went to punch him but Francis grabbed his arm before slamming his fist into his abdomen. He grabbed Wade's throat, yelling out and throwing Wade across the room and he groaned, landing on the floor with blood and saliva falling from his lips.

Francis reached down and grabbed a metal pipe as Wade tried to crawl away. Yelling, Francis shoved it into Wade's back, al the way through his body and through the floorboards. Wade choked, blood spilling from his lips as he turned to Francis only for a fist to plummet into his face.

Gritting his teeth, Francis bent the metal pipe so Wade couldn't pull off of it. Crouching, Francis smirked to Wade, "What's my name?" Grinning, he then walked away.

"Wade." Cunningham whispered and Wade looked over at him, the man strapped to his bed closing his eyes, accepting his oncoming death.

Wade turned back down to the floor, his eyes dropping while he continued to bleed from the large hole in his body.

Once the workshop had brunt down, everything had turned to ash, including the people inside. Wade slowly stood up, asha n's dirt sticking to his body as he did so, looking around with a small groan of discomfort.

I didn't just get the cure to el cáncer... I got the cure to el everything. But there was only one thing that really mattered...


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