。eight 。

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A week had passed since Alina had seen Wade at all and she didn't exactly know what to do. He was always the one with the odd plan of something and she had no instructions to follow from Dreykov because she was free of him and the Red Room. Restlessness didn't exactly suit her.

The red head sighed, flicking through the Tv channels for what felt like the 17th time in an hour. Things were on but non interested her because she wasn't used to being allowed to have interests. She opted for the random Disney film that was playing: Peter Pan.

A knock sounded at the door and she stiffened. The Red Room wasn't exactly polite but they could easily use it to fool the people in her apartment building. Reaching down and under her long t-shirt, she grabbed the small knife from the holster and made her way to the door, prepared.

The door opened without warning when she took too long to answer it and she grabbed them immediately by the throat, slamming them to the wall and closing the door with her foot. Alina exhaled in relief when she saw Wade standing there.

"I could've killed you." Alina sighed, stepping away from him.

"I don't doubt it." Wade grumbled, still a little bitter about her previous mission.

"What do you want? If it's to shout, leave because I can't be bothered." Alina muttered, curling back into the settee, comfortably as she watched the fairytale.

"I'm not gonna shout. I wanna apologise." Wade started and her eyebrows furrowed but he cut her off before she could say anything. "Don't. I know, you're gonna say something like 'I'm sorry, Wade. You're so handsome, Wade. You're dick's massive, Wade.'"

"The last would be lying." Alina joked, sitting up as he sat beside her.

"I told you, he's shy." Wade grinned. "Anyway, serious bullshit now. I'm sorry that I didn't fully listen to your explanation and now I've heard it in my head, it's fucked up. You win."

"What did I win?" Alina asked with a chuckle.

"You're life is officially more fucked up than mine." Wade replied, nudging their shoulders and she huffed a small laugh.

"I'm sorry, too. And I will never say that again." Alina smiled at him as he beamed towards her. "I'm not gonna kill you and I'll explain anything that you wanna know."

"Okay. But it's kinda hot that you can kill me. Why're you watching Peter Pan?" Wade questioned and Alina grinned when his arm automatically tucked her closer to him.

"Nothing else's on. Reminiscing, I guess. Only it's different." Alina mused. "No blood this time or gore words."

"Because it's a children film." Wade scoffed.

"Yeah, exactly. It was my favourite. But it always ended with Peter stabbing Captain Hook and the rest of the pirates." Alina explained quickly, leaning her head on his shoulder.

"That place is really fucked up." Wade mumbled, kissing her head softly. "It's great that he's dead."

"Agreed." Alina hummed.

"Can I see you in the suit now?" Wade whispered and she laughed. "I will properly forgive you."

"Fine. Once. And never again." She offered, standing and going into her bedroom while Wade grinned, settling into the cushions. While she was changing, Wade went to the kitchen to grab a drink.

"You want a beer?" Wade called.

"Yeah!" Alina answered so he grabbed her one, taking off the caps to the bottles. "So? Pleased, Wade?"

"Fuck me." The mercenary whispered to himself as she leant on the doorway in her suit, hair over her shoulders and a smirk on her lips. "I've died and gone to heaven. It's full of dildos and ball gags."

"Wow. Great place to go after you've died." Alina hummed sarcastically, sauntering towards Wade.

"You should wear spandex all the time." Wade muttered, linking his fingers in her belt and pulling her closer.

"You'd enjoy that, wouldn't you?" Alina asked getting a very quick nod on response. "Which would you prefer: spandex or nothing?"

"I'm gonna tick both of those boxes." He told her, large hands gripping her waist. "Big ticks. In highlighter sharpies. Pink, more specifically. Maybe ora-"

"Wade." Alina started with a smile and he hummed in a questioning form. "Shut up, идиот." (Idiot)

"Rude." Wade gasped and her eyebrows furrowed. "I don't speak Russian. I'm just assuming."

"You assumed correct." She smirked, pulling him closer by his belt buckle. "Now, are you gonna shut up, or do I have to make you?"

"The latter. Definitely the latter."


I'm a bitch but expect shit in time queens and queers

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