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-"This place seems sanitary

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"This place seems sanitary."


Wade's eyes flickered around the ceiling as he was wheeled around into a room, his skin clammy while there were heavy bags under his eyes because of both exhaustion and cancer. He looked down at the two people wheeling him through a door before looking back at the ceiling

He wondered if he would regret this decision or whether it would even work. A part of him felt guilty for leaving Alina in their flat alone without a goodbye but he was convincing himself that it was for the best. He didn't want her last memory of them to be him dying in their bed while she held him.

"Mr. Wilson." Agent Smith greeted and Wade looked to him. "Nothing warms my heart more than a change of someone else's. You finally hit 'fuck it'."

"Just promise you'll do right by me." Wade muttered tiredly, turning his head back to face upwards. "So I can do right by someone else."

"Of course." Agent Smith nodded, glancing at the man pushing Wade's gurney who started to roll him again.

"And please don't make the super-suit green." Wade spoke up. "Or animated."

The door closed behind them and Wade glanced around at the lab. A man was coughing loudly, one man being held onto by a thick collar and another walking with a limp as he dragged something. A woman was sat on a gurney with many horns coming out of her back as a doctor injected her more, a man standing and watching, for security.

Wade turned his head to the other side and a man was being wheeled past him, distress written on his features as he bled onto a bandage around his head, tears gathered in his eyes at the pain. His body was strapped down to the gurney.

"This place seems sanitary." Wade commented as they stopped at what would be his bed. The two men picked him up. "My first request is warmer hands." They dropped him onto the table. "Oh! And, Jesus, a warmer table." They began to strap his limbs down with leather belts. "We should really come up with a safe words, fellas. I'm thinking 'pork and beans'."

He looked up but a hand slammed his head back down and he groaned, "Easy." The woman buckled a leather strap around his neck. "Aren't you a little strong for a lady? You remind me of someone. I'm calling Wang." She stood back and he eyed the match in her mouth. "What's up with the matches? Oral fixation or just a big Stallone fan?"

She wrapped her hand around his mouth and it muffled Wade's groan. A man approached with a smile, "Patience, Angel." She let go. "All in good time."

"Are you here for the turndown survive, or what?" Wade asked.

"We have another talker." Ajax commented, looking to Angel.

"I'm just excited about my first day at superhero camp."

"Shut the fuck up." Angel ordered, forcing a rubber tube covered in a cloth into his mouth and Wade was made to bite down on it.

Ajax pulled back his eyelid, shining a torch into his eyes as he spoke, "Mr. Wilson, my name's Ajax. I manage this workshop. Ah, my welcome speech used to be full of euphemisms like... 'This may hurt a little.' 'This may cause you some discomfort.' But I've grown blunt. This workshop is not a government-led program. It's a private institution that turns reclamation projects like yourself into men of extraordinary abilities. But if you think super-human powers are acquired painlessly. Wrong."

Wade groaned as Ajax pricked a needle into his skin, taping over it so it would stay there.

"I'm injecting you with a serum that activates any mutant genes lurking in your DNA. For it to work we need to subject you to extreme stress." Ajax continued.

He then flicked a switch and the IV beside Wade's head turned on and his eyes followed the thick blew serum that trailed down the tube into his arm, his barley visible veins becoming prominent under his skin.

"You've heard the whole 'make an omelette, break some eggs' bit, right?" Ajax quizzed and Wade's cheeks puffed out as he breathed heavily behind the gag. "Well, I'm about to hurt you, Wade."

He added a smaller attachment onto the IV drip which was connected to a syringe filled with a yellow substance that had red dots in it, like water and oil mixed together. Ajax started to push the syringe as he spoke, "I was a patient here once myself, you know. The treatment affects everyone differently. It made Angel inhumanly strong. In my case, it enhanced my reflexes. Also scorched my nerve endings, so I no longer feel pain. And, in fact, I know longer feel anything."

Wade started to mumbled inaudible behind the gag as Ajax moved away from his table. Ajax nodded at Angel and she yanked the rubber tube and cloth from his mouth.

"Thank- Thank you. Thank you." Wade breathed before turning to Ajax. "You have something in your teeth. Right in the middle there. Just, I don't... A little nugget of romaine lettuce or something." Ajax then checked over his teeth in the round mirror by Wade's area. "It's been bothering me for a long time." He then laughed at Ajax. "Ah, made ya look. Hey, is Ajax your actual name? Because it sounds suspiciously made up. What is it really? Kevin? Bruce? Scott? Mitch? The Rickster?" Wade put on a British accent, "Is it Basil Fawlty?"

"Oh, joke away." Ajax muttered, clearly annoyed. "One thing that never survives this place is a sense of humour."

"We'll see about that." Wade nodded confidently.

"I suppose we will." Ajax agreed, walking away. "He's all yours."

"Oh, come on." Wade began. "You're gonna leave me all alone here with less-angry Rosie O'Donnell?"

Angel grabbed his collar and plummeted her fist into his mouth, blood splattering across his face as he was knocked out by the woman.


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