Chapter 1

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"Fuck, is there really no other way?" I ask as I stare my roommate in the face.

Abby shakes her head, "No, I'm so sorry, I really need the space for my cousin."

"Fuck this Abby, school starts next week what do you expect me to do right now?" There's no way I can get a dorm this late and I just know there are no apartments available near campus. Fuck. My. Life.

"Maybe ask Ethan if you can stay with him," she replies, mentioning my boyfriend.

Slowly getting more irritable and raising my voice I say, "Ethan lives in a frat house, if that was an option why would I have rented a room out from you. Fuck this." I make my way out and hear a muffled sorry as I slam the door.

I grew up in Detroit and live there with my parents in the Summer. I come to Chicago for the school year. I attend UIC, the University of Illinois Chicago as a political science major. I met Abby through our university's Facebook after I saw a post of hers looking for a roommate last year. We've never been that close apart from living in the same apartment. I usually kept to myself and didn't interact with her much because I spent most of my time with Ethan anyway.

I walk out of the apartment building and text him that I'm going to come over. I climb into my car and out of frustration I slam my head onto the steering wheel, "FUCK." I need to start looking at apartments soon. I won't even bother with dorms, they usually fill up at the beginning of summer. Considering it's August, I doubt anything nearby is going to be free. I need to stop stressing. It'll be fine. It's fine.

As I'm driving, a sudden realization hits me. Oh shit. I realize that I left all of my plants at the apartment. I'll just have to go back tomorrow to get them and the rest of my things. I keep driving, lost in my thoughts, and finally arrive at Ethan's.

I text Ethan to come down as I ring the doorbell, hearing shouting from inside. This is why I hate being here. Ethan joined a fraternity sophomore year, almost a year after we started dating. I never understood why, but I let him do whatever made him happy. Although it makes my life quite a mess. There are parties here every night, girls all day. I'm not the jealous type but it's not comforting having your boyfriend's life be filled with partying and girls

Ethan opens the door. I already feel relief seeing those dark blue eyes. I take in his light brown hair, shorter on the sides and longer on the top. He wears black joggers and a grey t-shirt. He smiles down at me but senses that something is off.

I see his eyes frantically scan me, "Ver, what's wrong?" he asks.

"Can we go up please?" I ask timidly, feeling everyone's eyes on me. Ethan nods and leads me up the stairs. I go into his room, sitting on the bed as he closes the door. My fingers subconsciously pick at the cuticles around my thumb. Ethan notices and gives me a look.

"Baby," he moves my hair behind my ears, "what's going on?".

"Abby kicked me out today, she gave my room to her cousin." I tilt my head down continuing, "I get that her family comes first but I wish she could have told me earlier."

Concern takes over his face and he offers, "I know you don't like being here but you can stay with me until we figure something out."

I knew he would offer his place, but I know I can't stay here long. I hate being around the frat's atmosphere, and when we're here Ethan and I can never be alone. We need a space where he can get away from them.

I remember the exact moment Ethan and I met. We were in the same freshman lecture class and the only reason we spoke was out of annoyance. He and his friends were sitting in the row behind me, making the most noise they could possibly make. I turned around and told them to quiet down, my voice laced with attitude and my eyes narrowed. After that class, he came up and said he wanted to meet the girl who stood up to him and his friends. He got me to go on a couple of dates until I eventually agreed to be his girlfriend in December of our freshman year.

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