Chapter 6

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"You're welcome," I say to Vera before turning and walking into my apartment. I shut the door as I hear Grace start to apologize to her for being in the kitchen with Niall.

I head to my bathroom to start getting ready for bed. I usually would be asleep by now but I stayed up because of Vera.

As I'm brushing my teeth, I hear my front door open.

"Harry," I hear Grace say as she enters my apartment, unannounced.

Why the fuck did I ever give her a key?

I rinse my mouth and head into the living room to see her sitting on my couch with a frantic expression.

"What?" I ask her in annoyance.

"You have to help me," she replies.

"With what?"


"What are you talking about?"

"She can't stay with me anymore."

"And why is that?"

"My place is small enough as it is but with her there we're just always in each other's way. I know she gets annoyed with Niall and I but doesn't say shit, and she literally just walked in on us having sex."

"What do you want me to do about it?"

"Let her stay here."

She's kidding right?

I scoff, "No."

"Please, Harry," she pleads.

"No, Grace. I barely know her."

"You'll get to know her."

"I don't want to see more of her boyfriend."

"He's only been at the apartment one time, at the party, he doesn't come over."


She cuts me off, "You're never home because of your training. She's always at school or with Ethan. You'll hardly ever see each other."


She cuts me off again, "She offered me rent so I'm sure she'd do the same for you. She's really clean and quiet."


I'm cut off for a third time, "It won't be forever. Can you imagine living in a frat house, Harry? Don't make her have to stay there. She-"

I cut her off this time, "Grace, fine, fine, just shut up."

She perks up, "You'll let her stay here?"

Vera's really not that bad. The worst part about her is that fucking boyfriend of hers. Grace is right, I'm usually at the gym so we probably won't get in each other's way.

Did I really just agree to this?

I pause for a second.

How bad could it be?

I sigh, "Yeah, she can stay here," I say to Grace.

She squeals, "Thank you, thank you, thank you, you're the best. I'll let her know in the morning."

I nod.

I cannot believe I agreed to this.

She walks past me as she heads to the door, waving at me before leaving the apartment and closing the door behind me.

I yawn and realize that I should really get to bed. I need to be really rested for my fight this week. I go back to my bathroom and finish brushing my teeth before turning my lights off and climbing in bed.

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