Chapter 5

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My alarm goes off at 8:00 am and pulls me out of a dream, which I immediately forget. I press the button to turn the alarm off and sit up, turning my back to the windows so the sun is no longer in my face.

I make sure to be quiet as I can on my way to the bathroom so I don't wake up Grace. I quickly get ready, brush my teeth, do my skincare and curl my hair since it's the first day back. I like doing my hair and makeup for school. It's not an everyday thing but it makes me feel a little more put together.

After doing light makeup and brushing out my curls, I slowly creep into Grace's room to pick out an outfit.

I should've done this last night.

I grab an outfit and tiptoe back to the living room. Luckily, Grace seems to be a heavy sleeper.

I get dressed in a pair of blue flare jeans and a graphic tank top that has a woman smoking on it along with red detail. I slip my feet into my air force's that have red detailing on them to match the detailing on my shirt.

After getting changed, I fold my PJs and place them with my clothes last night so I can put everything away when I get home today.

Walking into the kitchen, I open the fridge and pull out my Chai concentrate and almond milk to make a drink. I pour the concentrate into a to-go cup, add my almond milk, and grab a frother to mix it all. Once it's mixed, I add ice, put it on the lid, and grab my things to head out.

I take a tote bag to school since it's easier than a backpack. I really only take my laptop and whatever textbooks I need for the day.

I make sure I didn't forget anything and lock the door when I head out. The drive to school is good and I'm able to get to school early enough to find parking. I check my phone once I park, realizing it's 9:40 and I have twenty minutes until my next class. I could probably try and get a hold of the syllabus for both of my classes, but I choose to waste time and scroll on my phone.

I'm about to head to my first class when I get a text.

From Ethan: Good luck today.

I smile at my phone and text him a "thank you."

I only have two classes today. I'm in upper-division courses now, so I'm taking PSC 373 and PSC 304.

373 is Early Modern Political Theory and 304 is on The Legislative Process.

PSC 373 is in a smaller classroom, as I realize when I get there. It was in the business hall, which is towards the center of campus. I take a seat in the middle of the room and wait for the professor to start the class.

Professor Carlson begins once most of the seats have been filled. He's a tall man with dark skin and graying hair. I would guess he's in his forties.

We went over the syllabus and got assigned reading for next time. I write the assignment in my planner, I plan to do it tonight.

The professor dismisses us early and I walk to my legislative process class. I made sure my classes were right after each other so I wouldn't have to be on campus too long. I'm so glad I was able to make it work because I've never been able to get back-to-back classes. My legislative class is in the main building, which holds most of our classrooms. It's not too far from the business building.

I sit in the same area as last time, near the middle. I never go towards the front so I don't get picked on to answer things and I never go towards the back so I don't have a sight issue.

This class is taught by Professor Costa, a middle-aged woman with tanned skin and dyed blonde hair. She goes over the dynamic of the class and explains that we're going to be doing a lot of group projects.

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