author's note

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hey guys so this was not an easy decision at all but me and s have decided to stop becket drive. before i explain why i would just like to thank you all for being the best readers ever. you guys created such a positive and kind environment surrounding our story. we never recieved hate, and your comments were always positive. that is so rare for authors nowadays, so for that we are so fucking grateful. to be frank there really isn't a specific reason for us stopping. writing just feels forced and we don't think you guys deserve that. we have just outgrown the story. our lives have changed so much since we started, and we just have different priorities now. now we don't want to leave you all hanging, so i will be posting a chapter explaining/wrapping up plot points. i will also include explanations of future plans we had for the characters. i also am always here to answer any questions you guys have about the story. we are so so sorry to disappoint you guys.

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