Chapter 13

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I watch as Vera opens the door to the bowling alley, stepping out with Ethan following her. They leave my view as the door shuts, leaving the rest of us inside.

Her face was blank as they walked away, devoid of any expression. I'd have thought that she'd be yelling at me by now but she quietly left.

Thinking back on the night I realize I may have been the cause of her state. I hadn't expected to see her at dinner, no one had, so it was even more of a surprise that she was being civil even after our fight.

The only time she showed anger was once we were at the bowling alley. Ending up against each other wasn't our choice but I thought it would work out and get out any animosity we had toward each other.

Once the game started though, I got competitive and started trying to rile her up. The comment about undressing her last night was meant to be a playful jab but it hit her hard enough to miss every single pin. She looked flustered at the comment like she always does but her face was even redder because we had people watching us. Afterward, she wouldn't even look in my direction as she said goodnight to everyone else.

I don't even understand our fight from this morning. I didn't do anything except point out what everyone else is thinking. Ethan is a shit boyfriend and the way Vera talks about their relationship proves it. It's not my fault that she hasn't seen it yet.

Whatever, we'll probably talk about this when I get home.

I turn back to face everyone, finding Niall and Grace getting ready to head out. Zayn and I came together so I have to drop him off when we leave.

"Ready?" I ask him.

He nods and we walk over to the counter near the front, swapping the bowling shoes for our real ones. Once we've changed, we head towards the front, stepping out the doors and into the parking lot.

Niall and Grace say goodnight to us and head in the direction of their car while Zayn and I do the same. We get inside once we find my car and I start driving in the direction of Zayn's apartment.

As I'm making a turn, Zayn asks, "What the fuck was up with you and Vera?"

"What do you mean?" I ask, knowing full well what he's talking about.

"You've been pissed at each other all night. Not to mention whatever you two were just talking about."

"Vera got mad about how I talked to her about Ethan," I explain, not telling him everything but enough.

"What did you do?" he asks with a knowing tone, assuming I did something wrong to make her mad.

I roll my eyes as we stop at a red light, letting me turn to look at him. "I don't even remember what I said," I say.

"He's her boyfriend, no matter what you said she would defend him," he replies.

"Yeah, a fucking shit one."

"Why should that matter to you?"

"It doesn't matter to me," I say as the light turns green.

"Okay, then don't comment on it next time," Zayn says.

I choose not to respond, not feeling like continuing the conversation. We're silent for the rest of the drive, up until I pull up to Zayn's lobby.

"See you tomorrow?" he asks.

I nod and he shuts the door, heading into the lobby. I watch him walk inside before driving away, heading home.

After the short drive from Zayn's apartment to mine, I head up, not knowing what to expect when I get inside. Vera could either be there or have chosen to stay with Ethan. Either way, I want to get to bed.

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