Chapter 35

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"Hey," I exclaim as I walk into the break room and see Jane. She sits on the couch as she eats a sandwich.

"You're back," she says around a mouthful, setting down her sandwich and standing up to give me a hug.

I took an extra day off work so I could settle in once we were back. Today, I had to go back to school since break ended and had my first shift back.

School was more or less the same. We have more group work and I got assigned an essay that I have to start by the end of this week. Finals are also starting soon, so I need to start studying.

Once my last class ended, I changed into my uniform and drove to the flower shop where I just found Jane in the break room.

"Yeah," I chuckle as she steps back, "How was your Thanksgiving?"

After Jane tells me about how her brothers almost died trying to deep fry a turkey, we head back out to the shop and start helping customers. I spend my shift packaging orders and helping people check out. I even ended up in a lengthy conversation with a woman who wanted to start a plant collection but didn't know how to take care of any.

At the end of my shift, I grab my bag and head outside, running to my car to beat the cold. I sit and wait for my car to warm up before driving home.

On the way, I get a call. Taking a second to look at the name displayed in my car, I see that it's Harry.

"Hey," I say once I answer the call.

"Is your shift over?" he asks.

"Yeah, I'm driving home," I answer, stopping at a red light.

"I'm texting you an address. Can you drive there instead?" he asks, making my brows furrow. I reach for my phone, find the address he texted, and plug it into my navigation.

"Sure, is this where you are?" I ask as the light turns green and I change my lane as the navigation tells me to.

"Yeah," he answers vaguely.

"So you're just not going to tell me where I'm driving right now?" I ask.

"No," he answers, his voice not giving anything away. I try to listen carefully in case of any noises on the call will tell me anything but there's nothing.

"Fine. I'll be there soon," I say.

"Bye," he says before hanging up.

I keep driving, pulling into a shopping center five minutes later. The navigation tells me the destination is on my right and I quickly find parking before stepping out.

Harry had me drive to a cooking store. I brace myself as I step inside, walking past a table of new cookbook releases before I see Harry.

He's standing in an aisle full of spatulas, aimlessly looking at them. As I walk up to him, I take in his black jeans and hoodie, not surprised at the outfit.

"What are we doing here?" I ask as I enter the aisle.

Harry's gaze moves to me, a smirk taking over his face. "I thought you liked all this shit," he says, gesturing to the products in the aisle.

"Spatulas?" I ask.

"No, shit that has to do with cooking," he replies.

I chuckle, "I do but that doesn't explain why we're here."

"I booked us a cooking class," he reveals, making my eyebrows shoot up.

"Really?" I ask. I knew there were places in the city that offered classes but I'd never thought to take one.

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