Chapter 33

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"So you were in Vera's room?" is the first thing Zayn says to me when we're back in the guest room.

We were only outside looking at the snow for about five minutes. It was too fucking cold to stay for longer. When we got back upstairs, Vera mumbled a good night, not looking either of us in the eye, before stepping into her room.

"Mhm," I nod, setting my phone down on the nightstand. I don't even try to hide it. There's no point, he saw both of us leaving her room.

Zayn stays rooted in his spot, expecting me to say more. When I don't he asks, "Well?"

"Well, what?"

"What were you doing?" he badgers but the fucking smirk on his face tells me he has his ideas.

"Talking," I answer.

"Just talking?"


"You went to her room just to talk?"

"Yes, is that so fucking hard to believe?"


"Will you just leave it alone?" I sigh.

"No," he sits down on the corner of the mattress, "I'm nosy."

"You're not letting this go are you?"

He shakes his head, "What happened?"

"Nothing," I say, still trying to cover it up.

"Did you kiss her?" he ventures.

"No," I groan, "Fuck off."

I get that he's interested and he's my friend. But there's no need to share everything with him. Especially when nothing concrete has happened yet.

"Fine," he mutters, getting up to turn off the light. I pull back the covers, lay down and let my head hit the pillow.

I hear Zayn's breaths even out as I try to get myself to fall asleep. But as I lay in the dark, room all I can do is think about what would have happened if we weren't interrupted.



I woke up the next morning with my heart racing like it was the night before.

He almost kissed me.

What shocks me even more than that is I wanted it to happen. My stomach twisted in knots and I could feel my hands starting to sweat.

His palm against my cheek was the only thing keeping me grounded. Otherwise, I would've sworn I was imagining the whole thing.

I think it was because I haven't kissed someone in a while. The last time someone tried I ran away from him. This time, my own mother interrupted. Maybe I have bad luck.

I reach my hand toward my nightstand, feeling around for my phone. Once I find it, I pick it up and check the time. I see it's almost nine and that I have a text from Bailey, one of my friends from high school.

From Bailey: Hey Vera, you're in town right?

The text is from earlier this morning.

To Bailey: Hey, yeah I am.

Her reply comes a few moments later.

From Bailey: Perfect. If you're not busy tonight, come over to my place. I'm having people over.

I've known Bailey long enough to know that when she says she's having people over, it means she's throwing a party. But she'll never word it like that.

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