Chapter 22

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Shutting off my alarm I roll around under my covers as I avoid having to get up. At this point, I'm used to the sun that blinds me every morning but today I'm just reminded that I forgot to get curtains on my birthday.

I was distracted by other things.

The rooftop decorated with lights flashes through my mind as I remember everything that happened last Saturday. After we started the movie, I just focused on it for the whole night. It's one of my favorites so it wasn't hard to do that.

All I remember from the movie is that Harry got up to leave near the end. He said he had to go to the bathroom but it ended up taking too long. Zayn went after him to make sure he was okay. By the time they came back, the movie was already over. I wondered what they were doing for so long but I didn't bother asking.

They covered it with the "We were fucking," joke Zayn loves to make. When they came back, we decided to cut the cake. I helped Grace set it up and get the candles on before they started to sing to me. That's always been the worst part of birthdays for me. It's awkward just standing there while everyone sings.

Once it was over, Grace and I cut the cake and gave everyone a slice. Settling back down on the blankets, we ate cake and I got to admire the stars. That's what I thought I was going up to the roof for so I figured I should look at them while I can.

I started getting cold and I was going to suggest going inside, but Harry beat me to it. We started cleaning up, each of us doing something different. Once we were done, Grace and Zayn gave me gifts and we headed down to our floor, saying good night to each other. Grace and Niall went into her apartment, Zayn went down to his car, and Harry and I went home too.

Harry sat down on the couch and I went to get changed before opening my presents. The purse Grace and Niall got me goes with a lot of things in my closet so I'm excited to use it. Zayn's gift made me laugh but I know I'll find it fun to color in some plants.

I went to bed that night happier than I'd been in a while.

That happiness was cut short the next morning because I had to open the flower shop. I woke up early and got dressed in my uniform, making myself a Chai and a small lunch before heading out and going to the shop. Harry had already left so I wouldn't see him until later.

Work went like it always does. I've gotten closer to my coworkers though, so it makes the day go by easier. By the time I got home in the afternoon, Harry was home from his workout. We made lunch together and watched more of our show. I spent the rest of the day catching up on some homework before I fell asleep coloring a plant from Zayn's gift.

Monday morning I headed to class with all of my homework caught up on. I'd gotten a little behind and I was glad that I got it all out of the way. Professor Costa officially assigned our projects, instructing us to get into our groups and start planning. This time the project was on committees. We were each assigned one and had to demonstrate how it plays a role in the legislative process. Lucas, Emily, and I decided to meet up after class on Wednesday to start working on it, agreeing to do some research on our own before then.

Tuesday was a boring day. I went to class and headed to work after. While I was at work, though, I picked out a new pot to put my peace lily in. It's still on the smaller side so I picked the smallest pot I found and bought it.

Today is Wednesday, which means I'll see Lucas and Emily in class as well as after school. We'll get time to work on the project in class and we want to get it done fast, which is why we're meeting up.

Walking into class, I set my things down in my seat, waiting for everyone else to show up. I didn't mean to be early but it gives me more time to get situated so I don't mind. I'm pulling up the rubric for the project on my laptop when Emily and Lucas walk in. They take their seats by me and we wait for Professor Costa to come in.

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