Chapter 7

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I wake up later than usual because I don't have class today, not missing the sound of my alarm. I let the sun coming in from the windows warm my face as I wake up.

Once I make myself get up, I head to the bathroom and start getting ready, skipping makeup and just putting my hair in a ponytail.

There's no point in fully getting ready if I'm going to be moving boxes around soon.

Grace's door is open and she and Niall aren't inside. I text her to see where she is.

To Grace: Where are you guys?

From Grace: At breakfast. We'll probably spend a while out.

To Grace: Got it, have fun.

I walk into Grace's room and go into her closet. I pick out black leggings and an oversized t-shirt so I'm comfortable.

After getting dressed, I go into the kitchen and make myself a quick breakfast. As I'm eating, I get a text from Ethan.

From Ethan: What are you doing today? I wanna see you.

To Ethan: I'm moving into Harry's today.

I wait a couple of minutes but get no response, so I continue eating, taking my plate to the sink once I'm done.

I'm washing my dishes when I hear the door opening. I look at the time to realize it's already 9:00 am, meaning that has to be Harry.

Shit, none of my things are packed.

Harry walks into the kitchen, dressed in gym clothes.

"Where're your boxes?" he asks, watching me dry my plate.

Hello to you too Harry.

"I'm so sorry, I woke up a little late and haven't packed my things yet."

"I can wait," he says and goes to sit on one of the couches, pulling out his phone.

I head into Grace's room and start grabbing piles of my clothes, taking them out to the living room, and setting them on the couch Harry isn't sitting on. Once all the folded clothes are out, I take things off hangers and move those to the living room too.

Everything turned into a mess when I put it on the couch so I start refolding whatever I see, placing them in new piles.

I've got two piles did, my jeans and leggings when Harry gets up and comes to stand next to me. He grabs an item of clothing from the mess.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"I want this to move faster," he replies.

We continue folding for a while until he holds up a hoodie. A very large hoodie.

"Who's is this?" he asks

"My hot professor's," I reply, looking at him.

I turn back to the pile to pick up another shirt when I feel the hoodie hit my face. I flinch back as the fabric covers my eyes, falling to the floor a moment.

I scoff, "You're just jealous."

"Of who?"

"My professor."

"And why would I be jealous?" he says with a smirk.

I turn bright red at the comment and turn back to folding my clothes.

The door suddenly opens and Harry and I stop what we're doing to look up.

Zayn comes into the living room, eyeing us with clothes in our hands and piles all around us.

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