Chapter 3

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My eyes flutter open to the feeling of the sun in my eyes. I turn away from the light to stop it from hurting my eyes and come face to face with a chest.

Ethan's breaths hit my forehead, him still being very much asleep.

I'm going to miss waking up to his face.

After I got home from the coffee shop and found Ethan in bed, I told him about the apartment. I explained finding the listing on the wall in the coffee shop, emailing the landlord, and getting approved. After I told him I'd already sent Sam the payment, he was slightly worried.

I reassured him that Sam told me he would send the payment back to me if I didn't end up liking the apartment.

I reach my hand up to push the stray hairs off of Ethan's forehead. He stirs from my action, his eyes slightly opening. He smiles down at me as I keep playing with his hair.

I press a quick kiss to his lips, grab my phone, and push the comforter off my body.

"I have to go get ready to see the apartment," I say as I move into the bathroom. Looking down at my phone I realize my appointment with Sam, at the apartment, is in an hour.

I move through everything I need to do, quickly brushing my teeth and doing my skincare. After brushing my hair I head back into the room to see Ethan getting ready. While I'm meeting Sam, Ethan is going to be working at a booth, for the frat. He'll come about half an hour after I get there.

My boxes of stuff line the walls of Ethan's room and I walk to one labeled "closet" to pick out an outfit. I have my clothes organized in piles, so I take a pair of light-washed jeans and a white graphic tee from each of their piles.

I get undressed to change and turn to see Ethan staring at me as he ties his shoes.

With a smirk, he says "How many rooms are there in the apartment again?" he asks.

"Two bedrooms and two bathrooms," I reply.

He nods and moves to his other shoe, "Lots of empty space."


I button my jeans as he finishes tying his shoe and stands to make his way over to me. "And you're living alone," he inches closer to me, "which means there's no one to bother you...or me if I'm ever over there."

"Mmm, and why would you be over there," I ask as I pull my shirt over my head.

"I can think of a few reasons," he says as he reaches me and places his hands under my shirt to rest on my waist, "the first one is in your bedroom," he bends closer to my ear, his voice getting lower, "then in the kitchen, then a third reason in the guest bedroom, four and five in the showers."

"Basically, I'm saying I plan to fuck you in every corner of your new apartment," he says into my ear in a low voice.

My breathing halts as I look up into his eyes, his gaze falling to my lips. He slowly leans in and presses his mouth to mine. I reach up and thread my fingers into his hair.

Ethan moves his lips with mine, a low groan leaving his throat. His tongue parts my lips and meets mine. I let a small moan leave my mouth and enter his. His hands trail from my waist and down my thighs.

I gasp as Ethan lifts me by my thighs and carries me to his dresser. He sets me down and parts my legs with his knee, moving between them to get closer to me. He breaks away from the kiss and as I think he's going to move to my neck, he brings his mouth to my ear and says, "We'll go through that list later though."

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