Chapter 15

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Harry looks up at me, eyes widened at my words. He narrows his eyes and asks, "What?" a slight tremor in his voice.

"At the club, do you fight?" I ask again.

The resignation takes over his face and he slowly nods, his eyes meeting mine. I suck in a breath, finally knowing the reason behind his state.

I keep my eyes on his and gesture to the couch, "Sit down," I say.

He stares back at me for a second before turning and sitting back down on the couch. I pick up the ointment again and face him. He tilts his chin up expectantly, giving me a full view of his lip. Twisting the cap off I set it on the counter and dip a finger inside, picking up some of the cream and gently spreading it on his lip.

His eyes shut at the feeling, trying not to move from the discomfort. "Do you get hurt a lot?" I ask.

He shrugs, "Every now and then."

I nod, moving my finger away once the cream is fully spread out. Picking up the paper towel, I rub my finger off on a part with no blood on it.

"How often do you fight?" I ask, wanting to know more.

"Every other week," he answers, tilting his head back down now that I'm done.

"When we were there last week did you just go to watch?"

"Yeah, I'll go if it's someone I know."

I nod again, taking the bloody paper towel and walking to the kitchen to throw it away.

"Have you been doing it for long?" I ask, keeping up my questions.

He nods, "Since I was a kid."

I feel my eyes widen, not being able to picture a younger Harry wanting to do this. I don't think he started boxing with the intention of doing it competitively. The thought of how it turned out still plagues me.

Scoffing, I say, "Sorry, I'm just having trouble processing this."

"I'm having trouble processing the fact that you know," he replies.

I give him a confused look and he continues, "I didn't plan on telling you. But then Grace invited you along even though I didn't want to involve you."

"Why not," I ask.

"Didn't see a fucking point to it," he replies honestly.

He didn't see a point to it?

He had to have known I would've found out eventually. I already noticed a pattern after three of his fights, if it went on any longer I would've just gotten more suspicious. Not to mention the fact that I've already seen the club. If I ever went back and saw Harry there, he wouldn't have been able to hide it.

I step back from him, taking the dirty paper towel and bowl from the coffee table and walking them to the kitchen. Seeing I'm not going to respond, Harry continues, "You didn't plan on staying here long, I figured you wouldn't want to be part of anything possibly dangerous."

His words come over me as I rinse the bowl out. Dangerous. I'm assuming he's referring to the fights being illegal. There's no way boxing matches that happen once a week in a random club are legal.

"Why because the fights aren't legal?" I asked, voicing my thoughts.

I look up at him as I dry off the bowl, waiting for a response. His gaze is on mine as he waits a second before responding.


"I'm not a fucking idiot Harry," I snap, cutting him off before he can finish the question, knowing what he was going to say.

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