Chapter 25

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"We're going out," Grace says as she walks into the apartment.

"Hello to you too," I say as she comes to the couch where I'm sitting.

"Go get dressed," she says.

"Get dressed for what, Grace, I need more details," I say, silently laughing at her urgency.

"You need to stop moping around and have some fun," she replies. Grace sits down on the other couch, setting her bag down next to her.

"I'm not moping around," I defend.

She gives me a look, "You're not? Look at yourself right now," she demands.

I do what she says and look down, taking in my appearance. I'm wearing a pair of sweat shorts and a long sleeve shirt, my hair once again braided. I'm not dressed up but I don't think I look gross or anything.

I've been sitting on the couch for a few hours now, the sun setting as I watched a random movie on Netflix. I didn't go to work today either, letting myself have the day off from both school and the flower shop. It's Friday night and Harry's been at the gym for the past few hours. He didn't go yesterday, choosing to sit with me all day and staying when everyone else came over. Tonight he's making up for the lost day.

"Okay I looked, now what?" I ask Grace.

"How long have you been sitting here?" she asks, not answering my question.

"However long this movie has been playing," I say, gesturing to the screen that displays a paused movie.

"The movie can wait, I found this club that people are raving about. We're going tonight," she says, making my brows furrow.

I may not be in a bad mood but I definitely don't think I want to get up and go clubbing now. I voice my thoughts, saying, "I don't know, this movie's pretty good."

She glares at me, "We're going," she says.

"Why?" I groan.

"Because you're single, this is the time to do things like this."

"We broke up two days ago," I deadpan.

"The timing is irrelevant. Besides, when you were with Ethan, did you ever go anywhere that wasn't the frat house?" she asks, sending me into a spiral of my own thoughts.

Ethan and I rarely went out together and when we did it was either to eat or to go to the frat house. I only enjoyed myself when we were out eating, preferring to not be at the frat house. He would always say he's not a club person, even though his house basically turned into a club when they had a party. I'd never been to one until I watched a fight for the first time. Even that isn't a true club, most don't have boxing rings in the middle of them.

It also hits me that I'm now 21 and I have yet to drink in celebration of it. A 21st birthday doesn't always have to include alcohol and I've drank before. I just haven't actually done it legally. Maybe it'll help take my mind off things to get out of the house.

My mind has been running rampant with thoughts of Ethan and I's last conversation ever since it happened. I've gone through waves where I've been upset about it and the rest of the time I've been numbed to it. It had less of an impact on me than expected.

"Fine, I'll go," I say without thinking about it anymore.

Grace's eyes light up, "Perfect. I've already told Niall and Zayn so they're probably getting ready. We just need to tell Harry when he comes home," she says.

"You were that confident I'd say yes that you already told them?" I ask incredulously.

She shrugs, "I didn't think it would take that long to convince you and it didn't."

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