Chapter 18

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"Don't fucking listen to him," Zayn says to Vera, leaning over from the backseat to talk to her.

Once I found Zayn I dragged him out of the house and got him to the car. I started driving away and got him up to speed on what he missed. Only he would be too busy fucking someone in a bathroom to miss all of that.

He's been pissed off since he found out. So has Grace since she got all of the details. She and Niall were pretty much within earshot but they managed to miss a lot of it.

"I just can't believe him," she responds, shaking her head.

I can

I won't say it out loud though, that'll only make her more upset.

I see Vera look down at her phone for a second before pressing the button on the side and putting it back down. "He keeps calling me," she says.

"Block him for now," Grace says.

"Should I?" Vera asks.

"I think you both need time before talking again," she says, nodding.

Vera takes out her phone again and opens it, taking a few seconds on it before setting it down.

I stop at a red light and take a second to look over at her. Her eyes have puffed from crying and her cheeks are stained with mascara that came down in streaks with her tears. She stopped crying a while ago but she looks like she might start again any second.

"Are you okay?" I ask, sensing that she got quieter.

She nods, "I'm fine."

Vera turns away from me and faces the window, not saying anything else. After talking for a little bit she fell silent, not having the energy to keep it up.

We all followed, staying quiet for the rest of the drive. Once we pulled back into the parking garage, we said goodnight to Zayn and waited till he left to ride up to our floor. Niall decided he'd stay with Grace tonight so the four of us went up together, separating once we reached our doors. Grace hugged Vera and told her to call her if she needed anything.

Opening the door to the apartment, I let Vera step inside first, closing the door once I follow her in. She turns on the lights in the kitchen and sits on the couch to start taking off her shoes.

I walk into the living room, sitting down next to her on the couch, the silence between us growing deeper. So deep I can hear both of our breathing.

"Sorry about Ethan. I don't know what got into him," she says, finally breaking the silence.

I shake my head, "Don't apologize for him." She always feels like she has to take the blame for the things Ethan does.

"He has never really acted like this before," she says.

When she sees the confused look on my face she continues, "Sure he has been jealous before but not to this extent."

I thought Ethan was like this for their whole relationship. I've seen it enough times for it to be a regular thing to me.

I don't know why I'm the cause of it.

Clearly, Ethan's had a lot of fucking jealousy from Vera living with me. He's said it. I'm not blaming him because I'd be uncomfortable with it too. But I'd also have a good level of trust already there.

I watch as she sighs and says, "I'm just so tired of it."

I don't even know what to say. The last time I said anything it ended with us in multiple arguments. I don't want to overstep again.

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