Chapter 20

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HI GUYS! This is a double update so make sure you read this chapter before 21. Enjoy!



Reaching onto the shelf, I pull out a box of lightbulbs, trying to see if they're the right size. This box and the one next to it are virtually the same things. Taking a picture of both, I text them to Grace before calling her.

"Which one should I get?" I ask when she answers.

"What are you talking about?" she asks.

"I texted you a picture of light bulbs," I answer.

"One second let me look," she says, the line going silent for a second.

I pick up one of the boxes again to look at the back of it. I set it down when Grace comes back to the phone.

"Get the one on the right, the other ones are too small," she tells me.

"Okay," I say and end the call. Grabbing a few boxes of the light bulbs she chose, I put them in my basket and look for the next thing.

I have to get everything for food so I have to find plates and silverware. I knew Vera's favorite color was purple so we went with a purple theme. I get to the aisle with all the plastic shit for parties and look for purple plates. Finding a set of white plates with purple flowers on the rim, I pick up two of them and put them in my basket.

Deciding to get clear silverware to match everything, I look up and down the aisle until I find them, picking a large pack of them once I do. Knowing I'll need to go to another store for everything else, I grab my basket and head to the checkout.

Today's Vera's birthday and we decided to plan something for her. We bounced around a few ideas before I suggested the patio we have on the roof of the apartment building. Grace liked the idea of the location and we decided to set up blankets and lights to have a movie night. The building has a projector up there for whenever people want to use it. You usually have to reserve it but there were a ton of open spots. Not a lot of people want to go up there in October. We thought the weather might ruin things but it won't be that cold and the building has space heaters there too.

Grace gave us all things to do to prepare. She's getting balloons, cake, and all the food. Niall and Zayn are cleaning the patio. I'm in charge of lights, plates, and blankets. The lights and plates are out of the way but now I need to find blankets.

Leaving the store, I put the bags in my car and opened my phone to look up a place to find blankets. I decided to just go to the nearest Target and look in their home section.

Once I get inside, I find where the blankets are and pick out three. I have some at home so I don't need to get too many. For pillows, we can just grab them off our couch and Grace's couch.

I head to the checkout with the blankets and leave once I've paid for them. Heading home, I check the time and see it's around 10 am.

I made sure to leave before Vera woke up this morning. We all agreed to kind of blow her off for the day so the surprise would be better. I haven't even said happy birthday to her yet.

Parking in the garage, I head up to our floor and walk up to Grace's door. I'm leaving everything here so Vera doesn't accidentally see it at our apartment. Trying the door, I see that Grace is home and push my way in. whenever she's home she'll never lock the door. Sometimes she's even forgotten when she's left the house.

Grace is in the living room when I get there, her gaze landing on the bags in my hands when she sees me.

"You can just put them by the dining table, I'll organize it all later," she tells me.

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