Chapter 12

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The pounding in my head is the first thing I register when I wake up. Letting out a groan, I twist my body further into my comforter, tucking my head under my pillow to get away from the sunlight.

Why did I think drinking was a good idea?

Remembering last night brings an onslaught of emotions.

I remember everything up until after we watched the fight. Grace and I took a while to get ready, since she decided to raid my closet. We had to see what would fit her and accessorize. It took us multiple tries to find outfits and after showing them to Niall, Harry and Zayn, we realized they didn't care at all and we needed to hurry up. Once we finally landed on outfits for both of us, we left and headed to the club.

The layout of the club shocked me when I stepped inside. The right side was taken up by a dance floor and tables to sit at, with the bar straight ahead of the entrance. On the opposite side of the booths there was a huge boxing ring, which is the main attraction of the club.

We all chose to sit at a booth in the corner, heading to it soon after getting inside. I noticed Harry nodding to a few people as we passed them, which led me to think that they go there a lot.

I'm still in shock that Harry would tell Liam to come up to me knowing I have a boyfriend. Liam never made me feel uncomfortable but I felt unnerved knowing that Harry let him flirt with someone he knew wouldn't give Liam what he wanted.

The fight was the main highlight of my night. I didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I did. The only time I watched a boxing match was on tv with Harry, but that only lasted about five minutes. Seeing the fighting up close was actually interesting. Anticipating the moves of the fighters gave me an adrenaline rush along with all the people around me.

From there, I remember Harry dragging me away from the crowd and forgetting to drop my hand. When I realized it, I pulled away quicker than I thought possible. When I walked away from Harry, I walked to the bar and ordered two more shots. I don't remember anything after taking them.

Clearly we got home safe judging by me waking up in my bed but I don't remember any of it.

Testing the waters, I bring my head out from under the pillow, seeing if I can handle the sun. Once I realize that it's not too bad, I pull back the comforter and climb out of bed. My feet hit the ground and I stand, turning in the direction of the bathroom.

I take a step but stop once I feel something at my feet. Looking down I realize the heels I was wearing last night are sitting by my bed.

I don't even remember taking those off.

I must have drunkenly taken them off before falling asleep. Stepping over the shoes, I walk into my bathroom, turning on the light. The sight in the mirror is not a welcome one. My hair isn't too bad but my makeup is all smudged.

Figures that I was able to take my shoes off but not remember my makeup.

I cringe as I reach for my face wash. I've always been careful with my makeup because the thought of sleeping with it scares me.

A flash of red catches my eye as I shut the drawer my face wash sits in. Looking up at the mirror, I see myself engulfed in one of Ethan's old t-shirts.

How the fuck did I get into this?

The shoes I can understand, those wouldn't have been hard to take off. There's no way I could have worked a zipper by myself with how drunk I was.

Maybe Grace helped me with it.

I wash my face, clean off all the makeup, and get myself somewhat ready for the day. Once I'm done in the bathroom I get changed into leggings and a hoodie, not in the mood for anything else.

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