Chapter 16

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My eyes focus on the screen as the episode we were on finishes. Harry and I have managed to watch almost an entire season of this show, this being the second to last episode. As the credits begin rolling, I wait for the last episode to start, ready for all the loose ends to be tied up. The next episode starts loading and I focus my attention on the screen when I feel a weight slowly settle on my shoulder.

Looking over, I see a mass of brown resting on me. Harry leans his head on my shoulder in a deep sleep, not realizing what he's doing.

He must have been tired.

My eyes find the clock on the stove in the kitchen, letting me know that it's getting close to midnight. Him falling asleep isn't that surprising considering how late it is.

Trying not to move too fast, I grab the remote and turn the tv off, deciding to watch the finale with him later. With the sound of the tv gone, I hear Harry's quiet breaths as he sleeps, head still on my shoulder.

Praying he's a heavy sleeper, I slowly move away from him, inching off the couch at a snail's pace. Once I'm mostly off the couch, leaving me leaned over with my shoulder still leaned down, I finally pull away. Harry falls onto the couch, his head hitting the armrest. I watch as he stirs, moving his head to get more comfortable.

My eyes move to his legs, still dangling off the couch. He lays in an awkward position, his body folded on the couch. Moving toward his legs, I slowly lift them up, resting them on the cushion. Stepping back I see him finally in a normal position.

Realizing he'll be here for the night, I head to the closet in the hall which holds our laundry machine. Stored in baskets above the laundry machine are some blankets. Picking the first one I see, I close the closet door and head back to the living room.

Unfolding the blanket, I drape it over Harry, covering him from his feet up to his neck. I take a step back from the couch, eyeing him one more time to make sure everything looks right. When my eyes find his face, I'm surprised to find him so calm.

Harry's face is usually devoid of any expression, making him look bored all of the time. But underneath it, he's always paying attention and thinking about something. Now, as he sleeps, his face is relaxed and his mind is at rest.

Stepping away from the couch, I quietly walk to my room, opening the door and stepping inside, I head into my bathroom to get ready for bed, brushing my teeth and washing my face before getting changed. When I get in bed, I check my alarm for tomorrow, making sure it's on, before setting my phone down and drifting to sleep.


The sound of my alarm fills my ears as I wake up, my arm immediately reaching over to shut it off. Flipping onto my back, I stare at the ceiling, willing myself to get out of bed.

After wasting too much time, I pull my comforter off my body and slip out of bed. My feet pad across the floor as I head to the bathroom, turning on the light to get ready. Bruising my hair I decide to wear it up for the day. I have work after school and it's easier to have it up so I do it now to save time.

Once I've put on some light makeup, I get dressed, choosing a pair of jeans and a blue graphic t-shirt. I need something easy to change out of after school. After getting dressed, I grab my bag and head out of my room to walk to the kitchen. Not in the mood for a Chai, I grab my water bottle from the cabinet and fill it up. I twist the cap on my bottle and make sure I have everything before heading to the door. Harry's definitely on a run so I don't bother saying anything, locking the door behind me and getting to my car.

After driving to school, I go to class, going to my legislative process class first. We had a lecture and a quiz before getting dismissed. Emily and I walked to the science building together for our following classes, where I had a geoscience lecture and my second quiz of the day.

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