Chapter 9

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I wake up to the feeling of the sun on my face. The warmth quickly became too warm and forced me to turn away from it.

I need to get blackout curtains.

Fully awake now, I turn to my nightstand and reach for my phone to check the time. Seeing it's 8 am, I decide to get up and head to the kitchen for a glass of water.

Last night after Harry left, I just laid around enjoying my time alone. I watched tv while making myself dinner, using the last of our groceries.

I grab a glass from the counter and fill it in the fridge. I decide to take a look in the fridge as I sip from my glass. We have mayo and a bag of Hawaiian rolls. That's it.

Harry's been busy at the gym the past couple of days and I just got settled in so no one's had time to go shopping. Either way, Harry's diet consists of protein shakes and breakfast burritos from Lula's. He wasn't in any rush to stock the fridge.

I sigh and shut the fridge, leaning against the counter and facing the window. The sun is still shining through the windows, making me think it'll be a nice day outside. I grab my phone and check the weather, seeing I was right.

I know there's a farmers market down the street that's open on the weekends. Since we have nothing to live off of in the fridge and it's so nice outside I think I want to take a trip down there.

Maybe I'll ask Gr-

I'm cut off by the sound of a door opening. The sound comes from the direction of Harry's room so he must be awake.

I set my glass down on the counter, deciding to walk past the fridge to meet Harry when he walks into the kitchen. "I didn't even hear you come in last night," I say, turning the corner into the hallway.

I freeze and my eyes widen at the sight in front of me.

A girl around my height, who I would guess is my age too, slowly closes the door to Harry's room, trying not to make any noise.

I take in her appearance. A short black dress comes to her upper thighs as she holds a pair of high heels in her other hand. She has waist-length blonde hair that's a little messed up and when she turns to look at me I see her makeup is in the same state.

She quietly gasps when her eyes meet mine, "Shit I'm so sorry, he didn't tell me he had a girlfriend," she says.

Thank God I didn't hear him come in last night because I wouldn't have been able to sleep from the noises they made. I mentally cringe at the thought.

I gape at her for a second, taking in her words. Shaking my head, I say, "No I'm just his roommate."

She sighs, "Oh thank God," she starts backing away from me, "I'm gonna go now, but it was nice meeting you," she says with a nod as she slips out of the front door and quietly shuts it behind her.

I stare at the door for a couple of seconds before shaking off the interaction and heading back into the kitchen. Getting hungry I pull a Hawaiian roll out of the fridge and toast it, putting it on a plate and heading to the couch.

As I'm taking a bite, Harry emerges from his room, wearing nothing but shorts. He rubs his eyes as he makes his way into the kitchen. I watch as he opens the fridge, scanning it and saying "We have nothing to eat," before closing it again and turning to me.

I gasp when I fully take in his face. There's a large bruise by his eye.

"Harry, what the fuck," I exclaim.

"I'm shocked too I could've sworn we had more food than this," he replies.

"I'm not talking about the fridge, Harry, what the fuck happened to your face?"

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