Chapter 23

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"Turn left here," I say to Harry, giving him directions to the frat house.

"I remember," he says, eyes on the road in front of him as he makes a left turn.

After sitting in the car for a few minutes I realized that Harry offering to drive me was the best thing right now. I haven't stopped anxiously bouncing my leg since we sat down.

Once Harry finally got me to agree to him driving, we quickly locked up the apartment and left. I only grabbed my phone, not bothering with my bag. We rode the elevator in silence, getting in the car and leaving the garage.

I don't know why I just now started giving directions. Harry drove this far without them from memory. It slipped my mind that he might not know where to go.

Now in the car, my mind runs rampant as my leg involuntarily keeps bouncing.

If Ethan really did this, I'm done.

The past month or so of our relationship has been one of the most stressful times of my life. What with us constantly arguing and making an effort to move past it.

Ethan never made an effort though, it was always me.

He keeps starting the same fight over and over again, always finding a way to blame me for it. He constantly tries to get me to do things I'm not comfortable with, namely going to the frat house. He slowly made me distance myself from the people in my life. He made me second guess the only solution to my living situation. He never tried to make things better with Harry, seeming like he was starting fights just to start them.

He didn't even make an effort to see me on my birthday, something so small it shouldn't even matter. But it does. It all adds up.

This would just be the last straw. After how many chances I gave him to better himself, he doesn't deserve another one.

"V?" Harry asks, using the nickname I've become so used to. He places a hand on my knee, trying to stop the bouncing of my leg.

I freeze when I feel his skin come into contact with mine, moving my gaze over to him. His eyes meet mine and he says, "We're here."

I look away from him, turning to the windshield. The frat house sits in front of me, somewhat in the distance. He had to park a little far.

Opening the car door, I step onto the pavement beneath me, thankful that I chose sneakers in my flustered state and not something else. Harry locks the car once he steps out and we start making our way toward the house. I walk as fast as I can, pushing past anyone in my way. A few people turn to give me a look but I pay them no attention. They'll get over it.

Reaching the front door, I turn to make sure Harry's still behind me. When I see that he is, I push the door open, the loud music inside engulfing us.

Walking through the entryway, I start looking around, trying to find Ethan. Lucas said he was sitting so my mind goes to the living room. Before I can take a step in that direction, I hear my name being called.

"Vera," Lucas shouts over the music, making me turn and spot him heading my way.

When he reaches me I immediately ask, "Where is he?"

"Living room," he says, eyes on mine, "I think they were kissing when I left," he continues.

I reel back in shock.


"Thanks," I quickly say to Lucas before turning and walking in the direction of the living room, Harry following me.

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