Chapter 10

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I shut my laptop after pressing submit on the assignment page. My group and I just finished the last of our projects for our legislative process class and turned it in. Professor Costa isn't having us present these because we'll be doing a lot of that later. This project was mainly to get us used to working as groups for the rest of the year.

We continue with the class since the submissions only took ten minutes, with Professor Costa lecturing as the rest of us take notes. Once she dismisses us, I say bye to Emily and Lucas and make my way to my car. Once I get inside, I check my phone and see I have a text from Ethan.

From Ethan: There's a party at my house tonight.

From Ethan: Pick you up at 8??

I'm not in the mood to go to a frat party tonight but I'm just going to say yes for Ethan. We haven't been seeing much of each other lately and I know he enjoys these kinds of things. I'm willing to bear it for a night to see him.

To Ethan: Sounds good

I send the text and drive home, thinking about what I'm going to wear. I'll probably end up in jeans or something.

I pull into my parking spot and grab my things before heading to my floor, opening the door to the apartment, and stepping inside. I walk into the kitchen and set my bag down on a stool in the kitchen and turn to the living room, seeing Harry sitting on the couch.

"Hey," I say and walk into the kitchen.

Harry glances up at me for a second before returning to what he was doing on his phone.


I reach for the cabinet and grab a glass, opening the fridge and taking out a jar of lemonade. After pouring myself a glass I turn back to Harry.

"I'm going out tonight, I'm leaving around eight," I tell him.

This gets his attention, "Where are you going?" he asks, looking up at me.

"To Ethan's house, they're having a party," I reply, taking a sip of my drink.

"That sounds miserable," he says.

I don't get why Harry and Ethan are always saying shit like this about each other. Harry doesn't know Ethan or the guys in the frat enough to make assumptions like that. Frat parties aren't really my thing but I still have an inkling to defend Ethan.

"They're not that bad," I say.

He gives me a look, raising his eyebrows.

"You should come to see for yourself," I say, with a joking tone.

"Won't that make pledge jealous?" he asks, throwing in his inane nickname for Ethan.

"Maybe," I reply and turn to head down the hallway to my room, not giving him the chance to say anything else.

Walking into my room, I head straight for my closet. I pick out my blue bell-bottom jeans and a white graphic t-shirt with red wording and detailing on it. I pair it with black loafers and head to the bathroom. After doing some light makeup, I take out two red metal barrettes and clip my hair away from my face with them. When I'm done getting ready, I check my phone, seeing I still have some time before Ethan comes to pick me up. I decide to lay on my bed and scroll on my phone while I wait.

Seeing a text from Ethan saying he's on his way up, I get off my bed and head to the door to greet him. I eye Harry on the couch, who looks up upon seeing me, before opening the door and finding Ethan on the other side.

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