Chapter 37

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Finals week has to be the most dreaded time of the year for me. The two times it happens every year are stressful on an indescribable level.

This time around was no different.

Once my final week of classes ended, basically, all I did was study until my exams. Luckily, I took drawing and humanities this semester which required no studying for the exams, other than some light reading for humanities. That way I had more time to focus on my political science classes and geology.

Studying for Geology wasn't too bad but I'm thankful I never have to take a science class again. The hardest class to study for was by far my political theory class. We went over a lot of material and texts that were based on early politics so it was a pain to remember it all. For my legislative process class, I just went over everything I had already studied with Lucas and Emily.

The little time I had before finals was spent in my room cramming and having last-minute study sessions over facetime, where Lucas and I quizzed each other and practiced saying the material as if we were teaching it to each other.

Harry was a big help throughout all of it. He made sure I was eating and even dragged me out of my room for walks to make sure I was seeing the light of day.

As the sun sets outside my window, I fight the closing of my eyes while I keep staring down at my textbook. I need to make sure I know these themes from the Renaissance before I can call it a night.

I'm turning the page when I feel someone's eyes on me.

Looking up, my eyes land on Harry, who leans against my door frame, hands in the pockets of his sweatpants.

"You've been at this for hours," he says.

I nod, "It'll probably be a couple more before I'm done."

His eyes study me and the open book in my lap, "You're literally fucking rotting in here."

I scoff, "I'm not rotting."

He raises an eyebrow at me and I take a second to look over my state. My own baggy sweatpants and a wrinkled t-shirt. The disintegrating bun on top of my head that holds my hair.

"Maybe a little," I mumble, "But these exams are important. I can't not study."

"I know that," he says, pushing off the door frame and stepping into my room, "But you can't lock yourself in here again," he says, referring to the last time he saw me studying like this.

I sigh as he walks toward my bed, sitting down next to me. "I know," I say, "But I'm almost done."

My eyes return to the book in my lap while Harry says, "You literally just said you had a couple more hours at least."

The scent of vanilla coats my senses as I feel him lean into me, his face tucking into my neck. "Come walk with me outside," he says against my skin.

In an attempt to ignore him, I keep my eyes trained on the book. Even though I can't focus on reading it anymore.

His hand comes up to my thigh, resting there for a second before he moves it up my body. He lifts my shirt slightly so his hand comes into contact with the small of my back. His skin against mine feels like it's lighting me on fire.

At the same time, he presses long and slow kisses to my shoulder, working his way up my neck. Each one sends a shockwave through me.

When I don't answer his question, he says, "Please?" accentuating the word with a kiss at the nape of my neck.

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