Chapter 32

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"You live with him?" My mom asks from her place on my bed. She came up earlier to help me unpack and wanted to know how I met Harry and Zayn.

"Yeah," I nod apprehensively. I had put off telling my parents this story because I had no idea how they'd react.

"What happened to Abby?" she asks.

I take a breath before going through all that's happened in my life in the past few months. How Abby kicked me out and I got scammed by a realtor which ended with me moving in with Harry.

"How did Ethan take that?" she opened a drawer of my dresser and tucks a shirt inside.

I scoff, "Not well." I explain the overly jealous way Ethan started acting after I moved in with Harry and how our relationship took a turn for the worse.

"I found out he cheated on me. Multiple times." My moms eyes widen as I say this.

"What?" she gasps.

"I caught him with a girl at one of his parties and broke up with him. After he admitted to being with other girls while we were dating."

"Asshole," she says, making me chuckle. I've only heard my mom curse a handful of times.

"Okay, enough about Ethan," mom says with a shake of her head, "Tell me about Harry."

I chuckle, "What do you want to know?"

She shrugs, "If he goes to school with you, what he does for work."

I freeze as she asks the two hardest to answer questions about Harry.

"Uh, he's actually not in school," I start, "And he's an athlete."

"An athlete?" she asks.

"An athlete," I confirm.

"What kind of athlete?"

"Mom," I groan.


"Why are you being so nosy?"

"You live with him. Is it wrong to want to get to know him?"

"If you want to get to know him, ask him these questions yourself," I say with a laugh, shutting my suitcase once everything is put away. I didn't bring much but I feel more organized if everything is in my closet instead of my suitcase.

"He's cute," she says after a moment.

My back is to her as she says this, thankfully. Because I feel a flush creep into my cheeks.

"He is," I reply.

"You didn't tell me he was British," she says, "That they both are."

"Slipped my mind I guess," I say.

When I face her again she asks, "How did you meet Zayn?"

"Through Harry. They grew up together," I explain.

"That's sweet," she says.

I nod, "What are we doing for dinner?"

"I bought seafood to make paella," she says and I perk up. Paella is our favorite dinner to have as a family. Whenever we make it, we cook together and make a night of it. Since I moved, I've tried to replicate my mom's recipe and failed. Her's is always the best.

"Can I help?" I ask.

"Of course, I'll be downstairs," she says before pushing off the bed and leaving my room. I follow after her but head in the direction of the guest room.

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