Chapter 34

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I zip up my suitcase before standing from my place on the floor, all of my things now packed. Zayn sits on the bed as he waits for me, having finished packing a while ago.

"I'm done," I say and he looks up from his phone, seeing that my suitcase is closed.

"Let's go down then," he says, standing up and stepping forward to open the door.

I woke up this morning surprised to see that I slept until ten. Zayn was still knocked out too. We didn't even come home that fucking late but I guess we were tired.

I woke Zayn up and we decided to quickly pack our things before heading downstairs. We're leaving later today so I didn't want to wait til the last second to do this.

I follow Zayn into the hallway and he leads the way down the stairs. We walk into the kitchen to find everyone already down there. Even Vera's dad, who has a problem with sleeping in.

Vera's back is to me as she mixes something at the stove. She turns her head slightly to grab the salt and I catch sight of her face. She's wearing leggings and a hoodie that's practically fucking swallowing her. I remember last night as I look at her and fight a smile.

After we almost kissed, it was all I could think about. But then we went to a party where I sat and fucking watched her talk to someone she had been with. I believed her when she said it was nothing and even if it wasn't it's really none of my business. But it hurt to see it.

Her friend offered somewhat of a distraction but it was too fucking hard to pay attention to her when the person I really wanted to talk to was across the room. I was trying hard to keep my eyes off her when she suddenly got up and left.

I don't even know how I ended up following her. All I remember is mumbling something stupid to Bailey and then I was in the fucking library.

Once she started yelling at me I knew how she felt. Even if she didn't. When she eventually figured out that she was feeling jealous and even admitted that she wanted me to kiss her, I couldn't fucking resist.

"Morning," Zayn says, making everyone's heads turn to us.

"Hey," Vera says, "Are you guys packed yet?" she asks, spooning what looks like potatoes on a plate.

"Yeah," I answer, "We just finished packing."

She nods, "You guys can sit down, this is almost done."

We do as she says, sitting around the table. Vera brings various dishes and sets them down in front of us. She walks into the kitchen again, coming back with a mug.

Vera sets the steaming cup of coffee down in front of me, having made it exactly how I drink it. "Thanks," I say, actually in need of coffee right now.

"No problem," she says before asking, "Zayn, how do you take your coffee?"

"Just creamer please," he answers. Vera nods before quickly making him a coffee and setting it down in front of him.

"You're a God send, thank you," Zayn says as he takes a sip. Vera smiles before sitting down too.

We eat breakfast, but Vera's dad has to leave early to take care of something at the restaurant. Zayn and I both thank him again for having us and he tells us we're always welcome there. Vera says goodbye to him since we're leaving soon.

After he leaves and we finish eating, Zayn and I help clear the table. While she and her mom clean up in the kitchen, Zayn and I head upstairs to get all our bags. We agreed to start driving home around noon and it's 11:40 am.

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