Chapter 17

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Stepping out of my shower I wrap a towel around my waist, water dripping down my body and onto the towel under my feet. I take a second to run a towel through my hair before walking closer to the mirror, taking in my face. My bruise is still very much there, now a blue color with the ends yellowing. It should be healed soon. My lip is doing better than I thought it would be. I still have to be fucking careful if I eat or drink something but at least its healing.

Running a hand over my face, I'm surprised at how soft my skin feels. After Vera used a mask on me last week I let her use a few different things on me. I don't even know what they were but they've made my skin soft so I don't mind them.

The past week has been much of the same. Going to the gym and watching tv with Vera are now the two main activities that take up my day.

Don't know how that happened.

The show has so many seasons that we can sit and watch it for hours without having to stop. I've even ended up falling asleep on the couch a couple times. I've always woken up with a blanket that Vera threw on me.

I hadn't even realized I'd fallen asleep the first time it happened, but I was glad she covered me. Otherwise I would've been miserable all night.

Walking out of the bathroom and into my closet, I get dressed. I throw on a pair of black jeans and a random t-shirt. I'd wear sweatpants but I'm going to the club tonight so I can't. Liam's fighting tonight, going against someone I've fought before. It was an easy win so I know Liam will have it down.

I'll be the only one to see it though. Everyone else is going to a frat party that Ethan and his frat are throwing. When Zayn first brought up the idea of going to a frat party I thought he was joking. At least I thought he was joking when he suggested I go with him.

A frat party is the last place I ever want to be.

He's coming over soon to head to the frat house with Niall, Grace, and Vera. They all mentioned that I should join them but I doubt I'd enjoy it, especially if Ethan's the one throwing it. I haven't seen him this week and I would like to keep it that way.

Ever since Vera and I fought about him I've been more careful of what I say about him around her. But it doesn't mean he's not still a fucking prick.

Checking to make sure I have everything I need, I walk out of my room and head into the living room, finding Vera sitting on the couch scrolling on her phone. She's wearing a black leather skirt and a white shirt. The shirt has a skull and writing on it that I can't read from here. As I walk closer I see black heels on her feet.

She looks good. I'm not blind just because she has a boyfriend.

She must see me come closer because she looks up from her phone, eyes meeting me. "Hey, are you heading out?" she asks after taking in my clothes.

I shake my head, "Not yet," I say and sit down on the other couch.

She nods and looks back down at her phone, scrolling on whatever app she was on before. My eyes stay on her as she watches something, her screen animated from a video. Whatever it is must be funny because a small smile comes over her face, her eyes shutting as she laughs at what she saw. When her eyes open back up she taps a few things on her screen before typing, sending the video to someone.

How long have I been staring at her?

I hear the sound of the door opening, making me look in its direction. Zayn steps through the door, letting Niall and Grace follow him in. They move further into the room fully seeing us now.

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