Chapter 30

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Tugging at the fabric around my neck, I loosen the tie, tossing it on my bed once it's off. I take off the rest of my costume from the night and replace it with a pair of sweatpants and a black hoodie.

I told Vera we would talk after we both changed. Neither of us would've wanted to stay in our costumes any longer.

I never thought I'd be having this conversation but my night has been full of fucking surprises so I shouldn't kill myself over it.

My mood is the same whenever I have a fight- slightly stressed out but mostly excited. Tonight being Halloween made it even better because the crowd is always excited on holidays. But any excitement I had vanished the second I stepped into the ring.

I hadn't seen Colin since he ruined any semblance of fucking friendship we had. I didn't even know he was fighting again, let alone that we would be against each other.

The rage and frustration I felt when he and a coach I didn't recognize walked to their corner was what I used to win that fight. Colin's arrogant smirk flashed through my mind as I focused on using the training he knew I had against him.

I could tell I pissed him off by winning, which made me feel even better about it. It brought a rare smile to my face and I immediately looked around for Vera, my smile widening when I saw she was already watching me.

I left the ring as soon as the crowd started to die down, heading to the back room to change. I practically threw on my fucking costume in case Colin ended up coming into the room. Being in the same room as him is something I tend to avoid doing.

Once I found Vera at the bar and we got back to our friends, I let myself take shots and celebrate my win. I drank as much as I normally do, but any buzz I had went away once Vera asked me to dance with her.

It came out of nowhere and I could feel myself freeze the second she asked. I know that she likes to dance whenever we go out and I didn't want to say no to her. This is why I found myself being pulled to the dance floor with my hand in hers.

I didn't expect her to keep her hold as long as she did, or to let me get as close as I did. I planned to just be there with her and let her do her thing. But I got fucking roped in and my hand ended up on her hip.

Being that close to her was really a test of strength. I was way too fucking close to getting hard. I was way too fucking close to kissing her too.

My heart was beating so loud I was sure she could hear it over the music. The urge to feel her lips on mine took over enough for me to stop moving. I probably would have leaned down and done it if we weren't interrupted.

There was Colin, ruining my night for a second time, and eyeing Vera with that same smirk on his face. When he asked her to dance, I was fighting the urge to punch him in the nose again before she turned him down.

I was fucking relieved that she turned him down without having to ask, just knowing something was off from how I was acting. But I knew she would have questions which are why I told her we'd talk at home.

In the back of my mind, I knew I'd eventually have to tell her about Colin if things progressed between us. I just didn't anticipate them fucking meeting.

The image of his eyes on her still fills my mind as I walk to the living room. I find Vera crouched by the coffee table, spraying her Devil's Ivy.

Changed into a pair of sleeping shorts and a long sleeve shirt, she rotates around the plant, making sure all the leaves are coated. When she looks up and sees me standing by the kitchen island, she jumps a little.

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