Chapter 28

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"Vera," I hear my name being called in the coffee shop. I head over to the counter and grab my order, ready to head to class.

I woke up this morning and got ready fast enough to buy a Chai instead of making one. I was surprised that I woke up before my alarm even went off but I used the time to get ahead instead of wasting it.

I threw on jeans, a black long sleeve, and a green patchwork cardigan. I paired it with my green converse and added my new necklace too. I was wearing it yesterday but I took it off before sleeping. I've always hated sleeping with necklaces on.

My hair was still styled from the salon yesterday so I left it alone and did some light makeup before leaving the apartment.

Now on the way to school, I drink my Chai and prepare for my first class. Professor Costa said we're starting a new unit so the only thing I can expect is a group project at the end of it. I'm not ecstatic about it but at least she lets us work in the same groups. Lucas, Emily, and I have a good system working together and I want to keep that going.

Parking my car, I grab my drink and bag, head into the building, and walk to my first class. I get compliments on my hair from Emily and Lucas when I sit down, Emily saying she needs to pay a visit to my hairdresser.

Costa walks into the room and we all quiet down for her to start lecturing. Our new unit is on the deliberative assembly, I learn as she pulls up a PowerPoint. I take notes, rapidly typing on my laptop as I listen.

After Costa dismissed us, I headed to my next class, where we did the same thing as in the Legislative Process. My third class switched it up a little since the professor gave us a quiz after he too proceeded to lecture.

Once we were dismissed, I ran to a cafe on campus before my next class. I didn't pack any food for work later and I didn't buy anything this morning. I quickly buy a sandwich before going back to my car and driving to work.

I change into my uniform when I get there, pulling my hair up into a clip before I'm asked for help from a customer.

By the time my break comes, I've helped enough customers to last a lifetime. Jane and I sit in the breakroom together as I eat my sandwich and she eats a salad. We complain about the one customer we both had to help. He couldn't make up his mind on what to get his wife for their anniversary. I had developed a headache by the time he left the store, deciding we didn't have what he was looking for.

We got back to work when our break was over, relieved when there wasn't as much to do as before.

This time when I left, the sun thankfully wasn't setting. The drive home was more enjoyable but not as enjoyable as changing out of my uniform when I got inside.

I traded the jeans and shirt for sweat shorts and a long sleeve shirt. I put away my clothes from school and headed into the kitchen to make something quick for a late lunch.

We had leftovers from our takeout last night so I heat up some pasta, leaving some for Harry before tossing together a quick salad.

I scroll on my phone as I eat, looking through everyone's posts. I pause when I get an ad that intrigues me.

I watch a video of people in a workout class, following what an instructor says. I end up watching the whole video, intrigued. Wanting to know more, I click on the link in the post which takes me to their website. There are multiple different classes but cardio kickboxing catches my eye.

I did just decide I wanted to work out more. I don't know enough to just head to a gym and start using machines. I'd rather have an instructor telling me what to do.

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