Chapter 27

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The blaring sound of my alarm pulls me from my sleep, startling me. After not going to school for four days, the sound of my alarm is jarring. I start to sit up when I feel something on my chest. Looking down I find the book I was reading last night.

I was reading it to help me fall asleep but I didn't think I'd actually fall asleep. Shutting the book that sat open on my chest, I place it on my nightstand and start getting up.

I shut my eyes as I turn on the lights in my bathroom, not in the mood to deal with it. Once I think I've adjusted, I open my eyes to start getting ready. I brush my teeth and go through my skincare, making sure I moisturize since it's getting colder. The cold weather always dries out my skin.

I don't feel like doing my makeup so I move on to my hair. I grab a hair tie and gather my hair into a bun at the nape of my neck. I pull out a few pieces to frame my face and call it a day. Turning off the light in my bathroom, I head into my closet to get dressed.

I pull out a pair of green corduroy pants first, matching a argyle sweater to them. I pair it with my green converse and leave my closet.

Grabbing my tote bag, I make sure everything's inside before leaving my room. Harry's already gone, as usual, so I take my time making a Chai and a quick egg scramble for breakfast. I throw in whatever vegetables I see and quickly eat my breakfast before heading out the door.

The drive to school consists of me turning up the heat as much as possible to avoid being cold. Once I got to campus, I was hit by a gust of wind. It must have picked up when I was driving.

Heading into my first class, I find Emily in her usual seat. I greet her as I take my seat next to her, pulling out my laptop. We have to turn in our project today so Emily and I start going over it until Lucas gets here.

When he does, he sits down and sends both of us a smile. I haven't seen him since the frat party and we haven't had a chance to talk either.

"How are you?" he asks.

"I'm good," I answer.

"You kind of disappeared. Was everything okay after the party?" he asks.

"Wait what happened?" Emily asks from my other side.

I quickly give her a rundown of everything that happened before the party. I tell her how Lucas texted me about Ethan and how I ended up going there to confront him.

"I found him on the couch making out with a girl and we went outside to talk," I explain, the two of them nodding as I talk.

"He told me there were others and I ended up breaking up with him," I continue.

"I'm so sorry," Lucas says.

"Don't be. If anything I should be thanking you. No one else bothered to tell me," I say. Ethan and I dated long enough for me to be introduced to all of his frat brothers and even some sorority sisters. I was never really friends with any of them but we were always friendly with each other. I'm sure they all knew about Ethan but none of them said anything to me. Without Lucas, I would've been in the dark for so much longer.

"Still, you just got out of a long-ass relationship," Lucas says, his tone soft.

I nod, "I'm okay though. I'll get over it eventually."

Professor Costa comes into the room, cutting the conversation short. She lets us know that she's giving us a few minutes to make sure our presentations are formatted right before we submit them. Emily makes sure it's all good and we turn it in.

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