Chapter 19

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I don't think I've ever experienced a more chaotic three weeks in my life.

My every day hasn't been full of things to do but the things that have happened have been on my mind at all times. Mainly where Ethan and I stand. The frat party was a tipping point in our relationship.

When we initially planned to go to the party Ethan's frat was throwing on the weekend I was excited. I'd get to see my boyfriend and I'd have my friends around me so I wouldn't hate being in the frat house. I had high hopes until Ethan left me alone like he usually does. At that point, Grace and Niall were spending time together and Zayn had disappeared. He vowed that he would get laid after his rejection by a sorority girl. That left Harry, which wasn't awkward until a girl came up to him. I found myself alone again because I didn't want to bother him but he didn't end up taking her offer. I had planned to stay the night at the frat house. My plans were ruined when I found Ethan talking to a girl who had grabbed onto his hand.

Him talking to a girl wasn't what bothered me. It was the fact that he didn't tell her he had a girlfriend and the girl had no idea what was going on. When I told him that he berated me for getting jealous and basically called me a hypocrite. What he doesn't get is that there's a difference between his irrational jealousy and me being concerned about what he's doing. The entire conversation we had about it was just Ethan trying to explain himself. He didn't take anything I was saying into account. I was surprised at far he went to invalidate my feelings and by the end of it, I was just tired of having the same fight.

The week that followed consisted of work and school. Ethan's number had been blocked on my phone after the party. He kept calling and I felt like we both needed time to think before talking again. Halfway through the week, I caved in and unblocked him, I wanted to see if he was ready to talk things out. He was but he said more of the same things so clearly he hadn't taken time to think. I talked to him as little as I could, which just prompted him to keep calling and texting. By the time Harry's fight came along, I was in no mood to go anywhere due to Ethan and I getting nowhere.

Somehow Grace convinced me to get ready and go with them to the club. I'm glad she did because I needed it. Being at the club got my mind off of Ethan and I finally got to see Harry fight. I'd only known he fought for about a week so getting to see it in action was shocking. I knew he had to be good but I was surprised by him. I'd never seen him that focused on anything. Harry's told me that he's been boxing since he was young so it makes sense that he takes it seriously. It was touching to see him do something he clearly loves. I was enthralled by him until I got another call from Ethan and it tore my focus away. I'd been ignoring my phone the whole night so I didn't see that he had called so many times. I showed Zayn my phone, concern taking over his face. Wanting to get it over with, I decided to take the call, mainly to tell him that I was busy and that we'd talk later.

I answered the phone and pressed it to my ear.

"Vera?" he asks.

"I'm here," I reply.

"Can I please come pick you up or something? So we can talk things out in person." he offers.

I freeze, not knowing how to explain that I'm not only out of the house but at a club watching a boxing match. I catch myself as I think this. I don't have to explain anything to him I'm allowed to leave the house.

"I can't, I'm busy," I say, keeping it short.

"I can't hear you, what?" he asks.

Looking around, I realize that I'm still in the middle of a crowd and a conversation won't be easy here. I tap Zayn on the shoulder and point outside to let him know I'm going out there before turning and walking through the crowd. When I finally get into the quiet of the sidewalk outside the club, I pick the phone back up.

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