Chapter 39

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"I think that car just moved," Zayn says from next to me.

"It didn't," I deadpan.

"I swear it did," he argues.

"You're seeing things," I say, keeping my eyes in front of me in case one of the cars actually moves.

Zayn sighs and leans his head back to rest on the seat, his eyes falling closed.

"Who's fucking idea was it to leave the day after Christmas," Niall asks from the back seat.

"I booked the dates," Vera says, a cough following her words.

"Not your fault there's traffic," I say.

We've been stuck on the freeway for about an hour. We left the cabin a few hours ago and we still have more than halfway to go.

Everyone was frantic when we woke up this morning because the checkout time was at 11 am and nobody was ready. I was already packed and so was Vera so the two of us cleaned up random things while the others finished packing. We packed up the food we had left to take with us and put it in the car.

When Zayn finished packing, I put his and Vera's suitcases in the trunk and we just waited for Grace and Niall until leaving.

Leaving the cabin was harder than getting there because it snowed last night and the roads were all fucking covered. By the time we got on the freeway, I was already annoyed. Only to now have to sit through this traffic.

"Okay the car definitely moved this time," Zayn says, pointing out of the windshield.

I sigh before looking in the direction he's pointing at, surprised to find the cars actually moving. I hear a honk and look in front of me to see an empty space. I start driving, relieved that we're finally moving.

From there the traffic lets up and we pass by an accident that must have caused the back-up. Eventually, everyone starts driving the fucking speed limit again and we're back in Chicago in two hours.

I drive to Zayn's house to drop him off before heading to the apartment building. I park the car outside since I'm dropping it off tomorrow and we all grab our suitcases before heading into the lobby and up to our floor.

Niall and Grace go into her apartment while Vera and I head into ours. We leave our suitcases by the door before heading to the living room.

Vera all but collapses on the couch, her body relaxing once she does. I sit down next to her and she lets out a sneeze.

"Bless you," I say.

"Thanks," she says, sniffling as she says it.

"Are you okay?" I ask. She was coughing in the car and now she's sneezing.

"I think I'm fine," she nods.

I take a moment before standing up and heading to the kitchen. Heating up some water, I make us both a cup of tea before walking back to the couch. I hold out the cup to Vera and she takes it, saying, "Thank you."

I sit down next to her and watch as she blows on the tea before taking a sip. She cringes as she swallows it.

"What?" I ask.

"You didn't add sugar," she replies.

"I'll go get some," I chuckle.

I walk to the kitchen and come back with our small container of sugar. She takes it from me and adds two spoonfuls into her tea before giving me the container back.

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