Chapter 38

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**Mature Content Warning** These types of chapters are going to be few and far in between, so don't go expecting a ton more after this. Enjoy!


I woke up the next morning to the sound of people talking downstairs. I check my phone and see that it's pretty late so I make myself get up and get ready. I brush my teeth and do my skincare before getting dressed. It's Christmas Eve but we're not doing anything until later so I just wear leggings and a red long sleeve.

I head downstairs and find everyone else in the kitchen making breakfast. There are cups of coffee on the counter along with a mess of ingredients. Empty egg shells litter the counter along with globs of what looks like pancake batter. Dishes line the sink and I think I smell bacon burning on the stove.

"What the hell happened here?" I ask, moving further into the room. All eyes turn to me. "We're making breakfast," Grace says from her place at the stove.

I laugh, "I think you're burning breakfast," I say, pointing to the pan in front of her that looks like it's about to catch on fire.

"Shit," she says, taking the pan off the stove and sets it on the counter.

"Let me help," I say.

Grace throws out everything she burned and I salvage the pancake batter before starting new ones in a clean pan. Grace starts making bacon again and we both stay at the stove to make sure it doesn't burn a second time.

While we cook, Harry, Niall, and Zayn clean up the mess on the counter behind us. They throw away the eggshells and disinfect the counter. Once the pancakes and bacon are done, I make a big pan of scrambled eggs for everyone.

Grace puts everything on the dining table while I make myself a Chai. As I finish mixing it together, I add ice and turn to find Harry standing by the fridge. He pulls out a bottle of hot sauce before closing it.

I set my glass down and face the sink to quickly wash my hands. When I turn back around, I find Harry taking a sip of my Chai.

I raise my eyebrows at him as he takes a second sip. "Do you want me to make you one?" I ask.

He slowly nods and I chuckle before saying, "Just take that one I'll make myself another one."

"Thank you," he says before taking a seat at the dining table. I didn't expect him to like it since all he drinks is black coffee.

I make myself another Chai and join everyone else at the table. As we eat, we plan on what to do for the day.

"I bought stuff to make cookies. We could make them today and decorate them too," I offer.

Grace nods, "That sounds fun."

Everyone else agrees and I start thinking about what colors of frosting to make. After we finish breakfast, we clean up the kitchen. Niall volunteers to wash the dishes so we leave everything by the sink for him.

Grace and I dry everything he washes and put it away while Harry and Zayn clean the table and dry the counters since they got wet.

Throughout the day, we do random things to kill time. Grace and I take a walk outside to be in the snow. We both got bundled up to an extreme extent before leaving because it was absolutely freezing outside.

When we get back we welcome the warmth of the cabin, both of our noses feeling like they're about to fall off.

Once our coats and shoes are off we step into the kitchen to start making the cookies. I get to work on the batter while Grace has everyone help her make frosting colors. I got plain frosting from the store and some food coloring so we could make whatever we wanted.

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