Chapter 4

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I grunt as I attempt to push one of my boxes down the hallway and into Grace's apartment. My stuff is spread out into the hallway which is most definitely a hazard but luckily no one has tried walking past us yet.

I can't remember what I packed into this box, since I forgot to label it.

What the hell did I put in here to make it this heavy?

Ethan appears from the door to Grace's apartment and sees my struggle. He comes up next to me and helps me push the box inside. We move it down the hallway towards the living room so I can open it and see what's inside.

I cut the box open with a knife and open it to see that it's all my winter clothes. I don't need to hang these up for now but Grace gave me space in her closet to do whatever I wanted with so I'll just move them there.

I ask Ethan to help me push it to Grace's room and he does, shoving the box into the portion of the walk-in closet that's now mine.

Ethan follows me out of the closet and back outside the apartment to start moving around the rest of my things. I don't have that much to begin with, just a few boxes, two suitcases, and my plants of course.

I brought a Devil's Ivy plant, a Chinese Money Plant, and Tradescantia. I've been collecting plants since I graduated high school. I was bored in the Summer and needed a hobby so I started looking into plant care and quickly got obsessed with it. It gave me something to do and something to take care of. I have a lot more at home but I can't bring as many as I would like since it's hard to maintain them while being in school. The ones I have with me now are the lowest maintenance plants I own so they come with me to Chicago.

"What should we move now?" Ethan asks, scanning the hall for the next box.

"We can do the plants now?" I reply, seeing them scattered all over the hallway.

"Are you sure you trust me with them?" he asks with a smirk.

I roll my eyes, "They'll be fine, just be careful with them."

Almost as if he jinxed it, I see feet nearing my Devils Ivy on the other side of the hall. The feet start to step over the plant.

I gasp, loud enough that the feet stop, one of them in the air and over my plant.

"Stop," I exclaim.

I raise my head, my gaze tearing from the foot to see its owner.


Not just harry.

A very shirtless Harry.

My eyes slightly widen at the sight of his bare chest, lined with sweat. Specifically the tattoos. He has a moth on his sternum, resting above his abs.

How often does this man work out to get abs like that?

There are two swallows on his collarbones, but what catches my eye is the two laurels on his hips, his gym shorts low enough to see them, along with the slight v-lines they rest on.

"Care to explain why you stopped me from walking to my apartment?" Harry asks, tearing me away from my thoughts.

How long was I just staring at his abs?

Harry stares at me expectantly, waiting for my answer with his foot still in the air.

I take a breath, "You were about to crush my plant."

"I was not about to crush your plant, I was about to step over your plant."

"Well, I would appreciate it if you didn't step over my plant and went around it instead."

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