Chapter 29

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One week later

"I'm not dressing up as a dog," Zayn says, leaning back on the couch in Grace's living room. He's turned down every group costume we've suggested so far.

Halloween is in a week and we still haven't decided what we're going as. Everyone agreed that a group costume would be fitting, but actually deciding one has been an issue.

"Scooby Doo is out, then," I say, continuing scrolling through ideas on my phone. Harry and I came to Grace's about an hour ago, Niall and Zayn showing up a bit after us. She had called to invite us over hoping that we'd finally pick a costume. With the holiday so close we need to decide so we can actually buy the costumes.

Now we all sit around Grace's living room, searching the internet for any decent ideas. "There are no normal group costumes for five people," Grace says from my right. She's leaned over with her elbows propped on her knees as she looks at Zayn, who sits on the couch next to ours. Harry is on his other side, with a bored look from the conversation.

Harry mentioned that the club was having a Halloween party and that we should all go. He's also fighting so we can all be there to watch him. The club always has fights on major holidays and since Harry brings in a lot of people, they want him to fight on Halloween.

"We don't have to go as a group," Niall chimes in from his spot on the floor.

"We're spending the night together anyway, might as well match," Grace replies, moving her gaze to my phone so we can both look through ideas.

"As long as I don't have to dress up as an animal I'm good," Zayn says, still bitter that we suggested he dress up as Scooby.

The photos on the screen start deviating from what I searched for since we've been scrolling so long. Instead of costume ideas, I'm getting photos of groups of people. Some are just random people and some are photos from movies and tv shows.

"We could do Gossip Girl," I suggest as I scroll past a photoshoot of the cast. I go back and tap on the photo, taking it in.

Grace looks over the photo too, "That's not bad," she says.

"Fuck no," Harry interjects, finally adding something to the conversation.

"Why not?" Grace asks as we both shift our gazes towards him.

"That show is fucking awful," he replies.

"It's fine we can find something else," I say, resuming my scrolling.

"How is it awful?" Grace asks Harry.

"It's too dramatic for its own good," He replies.

"Yeah, that's why it's labeled as a drama."

"Whatever it's labeled as, I don't care enough to sit and watch rich kids bitch about which Ivy League they're going to choose."

They continue to bicker as Grace brings up plot points she liked but I tune them out as I keep looking. I start scrolling faster, getting bored of looking at the unhelpful photos.

A flash of bright green catches my eye and I stop scrolling to find it. I look down at the photo and realize it's a scene from one of the Harry Potter movies. The kids are outside and crowded around a rock as they stare at Harry for a reason I can't remember.

"What about Harry Potter?" I suggest, looking up from my phone. Harry and Grace stop their argument at my words and turn their attention to me.

"Harry Potter?" Grace asks.

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