Chapter 8

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I unlock the door to my apartment and step inside. I woke up early, as usual, and went on my run. I have a fight later tonight but for now, I'm home to make breakfast.

The smell of bacon wafts over to me as I make my way into the kitchen. I get a view of Vera's back as she stands at the stove, stirring something in a pan.

It's been a few days since she moved in and she's pretty much fully settled. Throughout these few days, she's spent so much time in the kitchen, so the sight doesn't surprise me.

I let my eyes trace over her frame. She's wearing green sweatpants and a tight black top.

I watch her as she moves, wondering when she'll notice my presence. She has plates next to the stove, so she moves the food from the pans once she's done cooking.

"Did you make any for me?" I ask, deciding to get her attention.

She turns around with a gasp, her hand going to her chest.

"Jesus Christ, Harry you scared the shit out of me."

"So did you?"

"Did I what?"

"Make any for me?"

She nods, "Yeah, sit down."

I do as she says and take a seat on the island. She places a steaming plate in front of me before grabbing glasses for us and silverware.

Vera pours orange juice into both of our glasses before taking the seat next to mine.

I lift the glass to my lips to take a sip and notice the pulp in it.

"Did you squeeze this yourself?" I ask.

She nods, taking a sip of the juice.

"How much time did you have on your hands?"

"It doesn't take much, and I don't mind. You're not letting me pay you so I have to do something to make up for my rent."

I nod and drink from my glass. For not taking a lot of time, the juice is good.

Looking down at the plate in front of me, I see bacon and scrambled eggs.

Digging in, I take a bite of each and we fall into silence as we eat.

Tonight's fight is on my mind. I went for a run but I'm not doing a second workout so I don't over-exert myself. I have to head out around 8 pm even though the fight doesn't start till 10 pm. I'll have a good hour to warm up and get myself ready.

I look over at Vera, who's still eating, "You don't have to make breakfast every morning, you know."

"Yeah, I know I just wanted to be nice."

I don't respond and get up, taking my dishes with me. Placing them in the sink I look up to meet Vera's eyes, nodding to her as a thank you.

She nods back and finishes her own food, also bringing her dishes to the sink.

I take them from her hands, "I'll wash these," I say.

I don't mind washing them if she cooks. It's better than when I was living alone and had to do everything myself.

"Thank you. I'm going to head to a cafe to do some homework."

"Okay," I say with a nod.

"Okay," she says back, with a slight smile on her face.

I start washing the dishes as Vera grabs her bag and heads out the door.



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