Chapter 36

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A scowl takes over my face as I look in the mirror at the bags under my eyes. The past few nights have ended with me sleeping later than usual just to get all of my work done.

I don't let myself pile too much into one day so I avoid overexerting myself but I still have a lot to do.

Finally looking away from my eyebags, I continue getting ready. My hair is already done and I'm dressed in leggings and a sweater so I quickly do my makeup to cover the lack of sleep.

Once I'm done, I leave my bathroom and head into the living room, heading to the kitchen and grabbing my spray bottle. I fill it with water and carefully spray each of my plants, coating all of their leaves with water. By the time I'm finishing up on the Devil's Ivy, Harry comes out of his room wearing only a pair of sweatpants.

"Morning," I say as I crouch down to put the spray bottle back in the cabinet.

"Hey," he says over a yawn.

He moves into the kitchen as I stand back up. I feel him behind me as he steps around me to get to one of the other cabinets. His hands rest on my hips for a second so I don't accidentally back into him. When he drops his hands, they reach up to the cabinet and pull out a glass.

"You're not going to the gym today right?" I ask, remembering that he doesn't train on days he has a fight.

He shakes his head to answer.

"I'm going on a walk soon, do you want to come?" I offer. I know a walk will clear my head and give me a break from studying and it'll get me moving for a while.

"Sure," he nods.

"Let me just grab my shoes," I say and leave the kitchen to head to my room, quickly putting on a pair of sneakers.

When I get back to the living room, Harry has a hoodie on and a pair of sneakers. He stands by the couch, his phone and keys in hand. When he sees me coming from the hallway he heads toward the door and I follow.

Once Harry locks the door, we head down to the lobby, walking past the doorman to get through the doors.

Harry starts walking and I let him take the lead. "This is the way I usually go when I run," he says, turning onto one of the main sidewalks.

As we walk, the wind blows cold air into my face and makes goosebumps break out across my arms. I look around and see that the trees are almost bare, their leaves lining the streets.

Harry turns down another street and luckily we're not facing the wind anymore so it's less cold. After walking down this street for a while, we reach a park. Harry turns us around to head back the way we came, saying that we can go through the park another time.

We walk along the same streets, passing by the same stores we did last time. The cold air hits me again and it makes me wish I wore something thicker.

In an attempt to warm up, I bring my hands up and rub them together. When that does nothing, I drop them to my sides again.

A moment later, I feel something warm envelop my hand, another set of fingers slipping through mine.

The warmth of Harry's hand covers takes over the cold of mine. I give his hand a squeeze in thanks.

"When we get home, I have to head out for a study group but I'll be home in time for your fight," I mention.

I agreed to meet up with Lucas, Emily, and a few of their other friends for a study group to get ready for our legislative process exam. We're meeting at a cafe soon which is why I didn't eat breakfast.

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