Chapter 11

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"Harder, Harry."

I go harder, putting all my energy into my rhythm.

Hank holds the punching mitts and gives me directions on how to make my punches better. We've been training for about an hour and I'm working on punching before heading out.

This past week has been much of the same. I train day and night, taking as much time as I can to work on my technique. At home, nothing has changed much either. Vera's busy with school and she's been spending more time with Grace. The two of them are usually hanging out at our place or Grace's, choosing to spend more time staying in than going out. Grace has managed to get Vera to leave the house on a few occasions though.

I'm usually too tired to notice them whenever I'm home so they don't bother me and it's good that Vera's spending time with someone who's not her dickhead of a boyfriend. I remember her saying she doesn't have many friends, to begin with.

Speaking of the dickhead, I haven't seen much of him, which I thank God for.

My training this week hasn't been for a fight, since my next one is a week from now. There are usually fights in between mine so I try and watch them whenever I can, like tonight. Louis is going against some guy from another gym and I said I'd go watch him. Zayn, Niall, Grace, and Liam will be there too like they usually are. We'll meet before like we always do and head over to the gym before the fight starts.

Zayn and I are at the gym right now and we'll probably make breakfast at my place to relax before going to the club. I haven't been to the club for anything besides fighting in a while. I usually never have time because I'm either training or fighting. Tonight though I don't have anything to do and my next fight is in a week so I'll let myself have a drink or two.

"That's good enough for today," Hank says, breaking me from my thoughts. He drops his hands, tugging the velcro straps loose before pulling the mitts off his hands.

I nod, "I'll see you tonight?"

"Yeah, I'll be around to watch Louis," he says before turning and heading to his bag that he left in the corner of the room.

I turn the opposite way and head to the locker rooms, opening mine and reaching for my water. After taking a few sips, I take my bag out from the locker, shutting it and setting the bag on the bench in front of me.

I take out my phone, check the time and see that it's around noon. Just as I'm about to go look for him, Zayn walks into the locker room, water in hand.

"Are you done for today?" he asks.

I nod, "Yeah I just finished up some drills with Hank."

"We're heading to yours right?"


"Okay then I'm not bothering with a shower here, I'll just use yours."

"I'd rather you used the ones here."

He rolls his eyes, "Relax, I won't ruin your shower from using it once," he turns his back to me and starts walking out of the locker room.

I follow him and we start walking towards our cars.

After a short drive from the gym to my apartment, Zayn and I walk through the door, set our things down, and head to the kitchen.

I had decided earlier that I'd rather make breakfast at home today which means Zayn also gets breakfast from home.

Before starting anything, I walk through the apartment to see if Vera's home and quickly see she's not.

She must be with Grace or something.

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