Breathe - 7/2/22

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You see that road to knowing yourself and being with yourself in peace, it's a journey, my dears.

You see that thing about finding/knowing your Truth(s) and owning it, it's a journey.

Theoretically, you might know this quote, "Be gentle with yourself," but you see in real life, it takes a while, and probably so many hits for you to gently/fiercely come into this realization.

And even when you do, there's still a chance(s) that you'll slip up and beat yourself, sometimes to numbness.

But I trust your Soul to keep moving forward, even when moving forward means breaking down and shattering into a million unrecognizable pieces of you.

In this realm and space, the exploration of Soul, moving forward has a different meaning.

Going several steps backward might be the best forward movement you might have to make. Breaking down might be the best brick for the strong house you're building. So I'll say this again,


It's rough and jagged sometimes, and it's okay for it to be. I know it's not something you're often told.

I come from the place of experiences to say, it's okay for Soul to get tired and weary. When it does, there are doubts you might feel. You might have to intensely encounter fear, anxiety, anger, hate, at separate times or feel everything so harshly at once you just go numb to live through the day.

I honestly am not trying to tell you how to live through that phase. I wish there was a one size fits all method, but there isn't. It's why it's called Exploration. This powerful quote leaped at me and helped me accept my dark and lost phase.

"Getting lost is part of the journey. What is exploration if the whole scenery is laid out bare and the tracks are predictable?"

I don't know how to end this here as the words are pouring in so I'll take this to my journal.

I'll end this entry this way though.

"Be gentle with yourself."

There's no goal in exploration. The thrill is in getting lost and finding your way, and this will happen severally along the path.

So breathe wherever you are right now. The road ALWAYS spins.

I love you both in darkness and light.


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