I Matter - 21.02.22

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There was a mental switch that happened to me today.

I was working on my online digital marketing course when we were asked to write out the problem(s) we aim to solve, the solution(s) we aim to offer, and what we are doing to make the world a better place.

As I pondered on the last question, I started to feel small. How can I make the world a better place? I don't have the billions of dollars and the team and the resources that could solve the world's hunger problem. I don't have the magic wand to end the wars in the world. I don't have the spell for ending the world's poverty.

At that moment, a question rolled up in my head.

"What about 'your world'?"

I asked, "my world?"

"Yes. Your world. You may not influence THE WORLD but you have a solid influence over YOUR WORLD."

That immediately changed the conversation in my headspace. My world includes me and the people I have interaction with.

How best can I change or affect or make my world a better place?

People I interact with at home. People I interact with online. People I interact with as I take my evening walks. People I'll interact with when I eventually come out of my hibernation. Friends. Family. Acquaintances. Colleagues. Partners.

These are the people who make up my world.

I started to feel relevant. I felt this growing feeling in me that I had something to offer my world. Something of value. Something of worth.

Asia might not feel the impact, but the woman who I chat with every day can. America might not know of my existence, but I matter in the eyes of the people who reach out to me for help through counselling.

The echoes of my writings may not cause a worldwide ripple, but it is felt in the heart of the few readers who go through them and tell me of how they're touched and blessed by them.

This was powerful to me.

I matter.

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