The Caller Or The Called - 02/10/2022

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Synchronicity isn't a fad word or experience.

My question is, does the teacher (in whatever form it appears - human or non-human) call the student to awaken to 'knowledge'?

Or does the awakened student call the teacher for tutorship?

Or is there a united call?

In my experience as a student, sometimes, I've felt called. At other times, I've felt like the caller. There have also been times when I've felt like both the caller and the called.

Movies, books, people, events, nature, thoughts, strangers, known faces, inanimate objects (I have my divination aids/channels/tools/whatever name people call it - seemingly ordinary things that hold a sacred place and serve a sacred purpose in my intuitive meditations).

To be aware of these things/people, to know what's happening and pay attention, to be more clear about the lessons they're bringing my way, it's what my life is focused on.

For what my experience(s) is worth, calls are constantly being made.

And when I say "yes" to them, dang! It's a whole new vista opening up to me.


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