Life and Lenses - 11/10/2022

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I look at people's faces these days and I wonder,

What are their stories? What experiences have forged them? What have they gone through? What are they going through?

I want to hear stories of our existence. The things that matter to us. The people we encounter(ed). The choices we make/made. How they panned out. The feelings and emotions we dine with. The dreams we have. The lives we've lived.

Tell me of your lover(s). Talk to me about love. Tell me about your hobbies. Tell me all about the things that make you tick. Tell me about your ambitions. Tell me about your childhood. Tell me about growing up. Tell me about family(ies), blood-related or not.

Describe to me in your purest unrestrained form what it feels like to be in your body. How does it feel like to live your life?

What does the world look like through your eyes? What colours make up the world's rainbow when viewed through the lenses of your experience?

Tell me about your traumas. Tell me about your healing. Tell me about your journey, for it's a never-ending one, not until the sun finally goes down on us.

Dance with me, the dance of fiery mermaids on icy mountain tops. Let your world mingle with mine through our shared experiences. Let's cross planes and dimensions through our stories.

I just stepped into my condo. It's sweet relief from the scorching sun.

I look at my face in the mirror and I wonder,

What's my story?

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