I Write - 21.02.22

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I've written a lot on this journey to self. I've been comforted by a lot of people.

Holy Depression, Âme Sœur, PaGidi.

What helped me in some desperate times was seeing them talk about their unique journeys, and finding companionship in their words.

I read their posts and I felt not alone. I interacted with them and it seemed we were comrades in the same battleship.

But ain't that what we all are? In this ship of life? Comrades doing life one way or another and hoping for the best outcomes? You ask why I sometimes journal publicly? Maybe, just maybe it's my way of paying it forward.

Who knows who might be silently reading like I once did & saying,

"I'm glad I'm not alone. I'm glad somebody gets me finally. Somebody feels what I feel & is okay talking about it. Maybe I'll someday accept myself for who I am & live life to my soul's content."

I write as a companion because I have been helped by companions. I write freely (still a work in progress) because what is life if I cannot be true to myself? I'd better be a robot following programs.

I write because words don't die. I write because it's one way my soul expresses itself. I write, maybe because I feel too much to hold all this stuff in. Maybe it's because I feel connected to a whole lot of beautiful souls that touch my heart in ways I have to explain severally with words.

I write for myself. I write for you. I write for my world. Maybe there's someone who will give life a chance again, someone who'll find the courage to live life again, someone who'll dare to walk this earth as an original after reading a line or two from my heart.

I am a man of many influences. I write to pay this debt of love forward.

I write for you.


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