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Some of you know about my bias towards monogamous love.

Well, being the explorer of experiences I consider myself to be, I decided to give monogamy a try in 2021. The use of these terms feels like me biting sand while munching chocolate-laced cookies.

I switched off my "polygamous antennas" and transited into a committed relationship with my friend and lover. (I hope I connect with my emotions to write about the experience because I had to shut down emotionally to cope with the separation).

The summary is, for once in a long time, I seriously considered the option of settling down with a single person and devoting my sexual love and attention to her.

A whole lot of stuff went down, and we decided to put that dream on hold due to unresolvable issues. Life's a bitch, sometimes. 🥲🥲

It's been a while since I've journaled so I'm pretty much just testing the edges again and softening up to the task of journaling. I still find it hard to sometimes connect with my emotions and write a comprehensive entry.

"A few lines are better than none" is my journaling mantra. So this is me dumping my thoughts as I wade in these waters again. Hopefully, coherence will take form as I proceed.

Random Experiences - 2022Where stories live. Discover now