Conflict - 18.03.22

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It's still this feeling of leaving this place. I think about it now. Why? Why do I want to leave so badly?

I don't like staying in the same place with the man I call dad. We don't blend at all. We're always at loggerhead over the way I've chosen to live my life. I don't like his ideologies about life and he doesn't like mine either. This wouldn't be a problem for us both, except that he feels entitled to control the way people do things or live their lives. This makes him come up to me at odd times to sermonize and "inspire" with words that are just too dead for me. I dislike his attempt at connecting with me. Just leave me be. I'm content with knowing you are somewhere on planet earth. Whatever you do with your existence is up to you, but don't come up in my shit. Nah, bro. Don't do that shit. You're not granted access.

But then, it's his crib. He once - no, severally - talked about us leaving his house if we wanted to do life our way. He came up later with something about how we're family and his place is ours (children) and all the bullshit talk of being together through thick and thin.

So you see why I want to leave? I love my peace of mind. I don't care about food to eat or cloth to wear or a roof to sleep under if my peace is being threatened. And he fucking tampers with it. It's not healthy. Fr.

So I guess that's it.

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