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"The brain is the organ of destiny. It holds within its humming mechanism secrets that will determine the future of the human race."
~ Wilder Penfield.

He's my brother. The orange haired male is my brother, he has to be. But which one? Why is he here? Why is he dressed for Spring Court? Questions begin swirling in my mind. So many, that I don't pay attention to the events happening around me. I don't even know these people, so for me their lives and whatever their reason for being here are irrelevant right now.

One of my brothers is here right now and doesn't appear to be with the Autumn Court. He doesn't appear to be sided with my father. Our father. Unless maybe he's an emissary for father? If he is working with father then does that mean that he will accept me as his sister? Will we be able to be siblings? Or will he disregard me and my existence as well? Did he even know I existed? Does he even know that I'm his sister? By the look on his face, I feel like the answer is no.

From the looks of things, it would seem that he isn't on the right side of the King's war after the mortal world. But why has he sided with the King? What does he gain from this? My thoughts are interrupted by the main doors to the throne room opening, I turn with everyone else to see who is entering, while still keeping an eye on the King and his guards. While I feel safe with the violet eyed male, the situation seems to be more important to him right now, so who knows if he will be able to properly protect me.

Six humans enter the room, two are tied up and the other four appear to be of high status considering the crowns that adorn their heads. Maybe they are Queens, but if they are, why would they side with the man who would wish to see their kind enslaved? I look around to see if there could be someone to answer my question when I see him. My visitor stood to the left of the King. He's looking at me, as if he was waiting for me to look at him. His eyes flicker down and I follow his gaze to the Cauldron. Fixed.

That must have been why they attacked the temple when I was taken, to get one of the feet. How long has the King been planning this war? How long has he been searching for this? I look between the cauldron, my visitor, the King and the six humans behind me and everything clicks into place. They are here for immorality. By having them cauldron-made the King will have fae in the mortal lands that of high status. He will have easy access to the continent. All that would be in his way is the wall that separates the fae from the mortals. This can't happen, they can't allow him to let them enter the cauldron. There would be no use in fighting if they entered. The war would be lost before it even began.

I continue looking around trying to understand the purpose of the other two humans. When I look at the violet eyed man and the female standing next to him, the shock on her face gives me one of the answers I need. It explains why they are here, but not how they are connected. How would a high fae, mated to the violet eyed man know two humans?

"Liar," she hissed "they are liars, and if you do not let my sisters go, I will slaughter-" So that is the connection, they are her sisters. But again how are they related? She is high fae? Unless... She was made too. But how? If the cauldron has only just been fixed, then how was she made? Whilst these new questions and answers swarm my mind, the prettiest of the two sisters was being dragged towards the cauldron and before I can process what is happening, she is shoved in.

Only a few moments later was she spat back out by the cauldron, lying on the floor shivering. I felt bad for the female, damned to live the life of a creature for all I know she hates. My brother snarls at the laughing guards, "Don't just leave her on the damned floor-" I watch closely as he inches towards the female and puts his jacket over her, unsure as to what her reaction would be. I don't know why I do this, maybe it's my mum in me. Protective over my family, whether they are accepting of me or not.

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