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                                                                                "Hello, brother."

                                                                              ~Damon Salvatore

We don't get far with winnowing. All three of us collapse by a cave, by Lucien's face I am assuming it's the one that he had to go into for the rite in place of Tamlin.

"Faebane." I whisper, immediately realising what has happened. Feyre and Lucien's heads snap to me before looking at each other.

"So we can't winnow." Feyre states rather than questions, "Well then I guess we are continuing by foot."

After hours of running, we finally reached the foothills that Feyre claims will lead us out of Spring. We are stopped for a moment, for giving me time to catch my breath, "No one told me this much running would be involved. I would have prepared myself if I knew. Next time, warn me about the running. Please and thank you." Feyre looks at me for a moment before letting out a small chuckle, almost as if afraid to release anything more. I look at her and smile glad that I could provide a momentary distraction and bring light to our current predicament.

"It's - gone," Lucien said, gasping for breath, "My magic - not an ember. They must have dosed all of us today." I look towards him, and contemplate trying my magic, but again scared of the repercussions. The risk that comes with me using the powers of my father.

I follow Feyre's movements as she heads towards one of the doors available, I go to follow her towards the chosen one when Lucien's voice stops me in my tracks, "You're taking a door?" I nod my head as if it was obvious, with no powers, how were any of us supposed to escape this forsaken court. I wanted out as soon as possible, and these doors were our best option. I continue towards the door Feyre is standing in front of, once again stopped by Lucien's voice.

"The Autumn Court portal is that way." I swing around to look at him, eyes wide. Frozen to the spot. Father forbade me from coming back to Autumn Court, if they find me I'm dead.

"I can't go into Summer. They'll kill me on sight." I look at Feyre, about to open my mouth and tell her that I can't go into Autumn Court, when Lucien starts speaking. Again. I close my mouth and wait out their conversation, hoping I will be able to find the time to speak.

"The Autumn Court will be as dangerous as Summer."

Now is my chance, "I can't go to Autumn," They both stop their discussion and look at me, so I elaborate, "The High Lord has forbidden me to enter his Court. If they catch me, I'm dead, and I've just started living, so death isn't exactly on my list of things to do today."

"They won't catch us. Please come with us, I need you," I look up at Feyre, the look in her eyes telling me it's worth the risk. I hesitantly nod my head, enough of an approval for her. She turns to Lucien, saying "We just need somewhere to hide, until we can winnow again."

Lucien looks at me with concern and confusion but says, "I know a place." He too looks hesitant about going back to the court that was supposed to be his home. The court that he could have possibly ruled if he really wanted to.

Noticing his hesitation, Feyre adds, "Stay if you want. What's done is done." And moves back towards the door that will lead to my father, and my brothers. She opens the door looking back at us as if waiting, I look to Lucien and give him a reassuring smile before following Feyre. Seeing the look on her face, I know I've made the right choice.

This choice may lead to my death. But what's life without a little risk?

The door to Autumn Court, unguarded, maybe the mother is on our side for this, we continue through the tunnel, also unguarded, and come out in the forest of Autumn. It has been a while since I stepped foot on these lands. I feel at home and yet so far from it at the same time. I guess that is what happens when your home can't be your home because your family doesn't want you.

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