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"The very basic core of a man's living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun."
~ Christopher McCandless

"You fucking bitch!" Jasmine screams as I watch her snow-white wings expand out behind her, her blue eyes turning silver with rage. The primal instincts of protecting her mate seem to have come forth as she stalks over towards her sister, ice cold fury burning through her being as I feel the room drastically drop in temperature.

"There she is, I've missed you blizzard." Bronwyn smirks as she stands, walking to meet Jasmine in the middle.

Okay I'm slightly concerned as to what is about to go down.

Leaning over
to Helion, I whisper, "Should we do something?"

Helion shakes his head while letting out the most beautiful smile I have ever seen, that seems to make me feel something warm in my chest but I ignore it as he laughs. "No, we should be okay, for now at least. The last time Bronwyn did something similar to Asher, Jasmine wouldn't let her near him for a month."

"I mean I don't blame her, if someone threw food at my mate I would quite happily attack them."

Looking back over at Helion, I see that he is already looking at me, with some sort of glint in his eye. He looks as if he is about to speak but a loud clash sounds from the beside us.

Bronwyn has been practically thrown across the room into a table by Jasmine whose wings are now fully flared.

Bronwyn's attack has caused Eris to let out a growl as he automatically goes to attack Jasmine from behind which causes Helion to tense beside me, all previous humour wiped from his face. As Eris gets closer to Jasmine, Asher jumps out of his chair and tackles Eris to the ground, both growling like animals. Seeing the commotion behind her, Jasmine turns and forms an ice dagger out, about to ram it into Eris's side. Bronwyn takes that moment to spread her fire from within, melting Jasmine's dagger.

Feeling like I should help, I go to stand but Helion immediately places his warm hand into my arm. "It's best if we stay out of it. We don't need another pair of m- people, people to get involved."

Before I can reply, Helion stands up and speaks, his voice carrying out throughout the room. "No weapons allowed, you know the rules."

"For fucks sake Helion, I was just about to do some awesome flame thing that would go pow pow ptshhhh." Bronwyn protests.

Feeling the simmering anger still thick in the room, I decide to do something that I will most likely regret later.

"Hey guys!" I call, gaining everyone's attention, "I think we need to finish what you started."

And that's when I decided to do something that I probably should have done. Okay, I definitely shouldn't have done it.

I scooped up some mash potato and smeared it all over the High Lord of the Day courts face.


Helion slowly turns to face me.


"I'm so-"

And that's when Helion threw mashed potato on my face.

And that's when the food fight officially commenced.

Food went flying as bodies were rolling around the room, smothering each other in food.

After five minutes of the best fun I've had in ages, I throw a carrot at Helion's head before looking to Bronwyn as she climbs on the table, food completely covering her armour and skirt, and pieces of pasta resting on top of her CHERRY red hair. (I thought I should emphasise the precise colour for you) (WHY THANK YOU WIFEY).

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