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"Loving her was as if she invaded my home,
because you were the only 'home' my heart knew."
~ Mireya Rios


I finish telling the people in the room about the closed borders for them, when Rhysand turns to me checking about the High Lord meeting.

"Don't worry, that dark little head of yours, Helion is still attending the meeting." My sister says, what is wrong with her? This is a whole new mask of hers and I'm concerned.

Rhysand nods his head and we know that it is our time to depart. We have given the twins enough time to get to Helion and update him on everything. Me and my sister turn to each other, ready to make our leave. I give Bronwyn a look indicating that we will be discussing her newfound mask later, much to her disgust.

As we start walking towards the door, Eris's voice stops us, "Wait," Bronwyn frozen in place, doesn't even turn, but I do, looking at the male expectantly, "I would like to see my sister, please, let me come with you." Considering his eyes momentarily stayed on the back of Bronwyn's head when asking to come with us, I know it's more than just his sister he wishes to see.

So that's what is going on.

I smile at him and say, "Of course."

Bronwyn's growing eyes tell me I've done the right thing, even if Helion will not.

"Well let's go then, can't keep the precious man waiting for his emissary and unexpected guest. Sadly I have warriors to train for a war that nobody wants."

Eris begins walking towards us, following us out the doors, "So-"

"Don't even." And then she was gone.

"Ummm...I would apologise for her and say that she's not usually like this, but that would be a lie." I say shrugging my shoulders looking at the male next to me, holding out my arm indicating we are going.

He links his arm with me smiling slightly, but his nerves clear as day, and we too are gone. Away from the Court of Dreams. Away from the people that didn't protect Aurelia, when they should have. They were too late. And yet they still expected her to come back with open arms and forgive them for failing her? Who did they think they were?


"Let me know when tea is ready, I'm hiding." Bronwyn walks past us, not even fully registering what was happening, before stopping at the same time that Jasmine and Eris? Appeared.

Bronwyn turned around, looking at us, her finger pointed, "What is going on?"

"We are hugging, it's a thing we normal fae do." The male in front of me says, looking down at me.

"Right, okay, umm, right, well then, enjoy your hugging?" Bronwyn says looking at Jasmine, very confused. Jasmine just gave her an okay signal with a look on her face like, "good job."

"Wait, why are you hiding?"

"I thought you were training?"

"But she already trained the troops today?"

Helion and Jasmine looked at each, before looking at Bronwyn, Jasmine's head turning towards Eris and a big smile on her face, realisation growing in her eyes. Bronwyn looks at Jasmine shaking her head.

"No. Don't you dare."

"He's your mate!" Jasmine says pointing at Eris jumping up and down.

Bronwyn's head goes backwards, groaning in annoyance. Turning around she begins to walk away,  with Jasmine following laughing and singing, "He's your mate."

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